Part 2

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POV: Matteo Rossi

Siana left but she was smart she left a trail for us I got everyone back together and we followed her it wasn't hard because her engagement ring has a tracker in it I'm just glad she didn't take that off she took off the fake one from when we were fake married.

We didn't take a car we we're in a helicopter me my father and Nino was in one Naomi Sophia and Ardea was in the other one we had got a call from Daniela she told us a lot before she could hang up I was thankful but at the same time I wanted her dead.

My kid and fiancé was gone i didn't even care about putting on a new set of clothes I was covered in blood from head to toe.

" you see that?" I pointed out to the guys it was like a gate and a group of men with guns blocking it.

" let's move" I told Nino I jumped out the plane i pulled on my parachute they could see us coming down one thing about the Rossis is when we go to war we're ready and they messed up taking my kid.

Once I landed I took of the parachute and started shooting I used two guns at the same time my aim on point I saw one running away I hawked him down I pulled him back and opened his mouth and stabbed him right in it the end poking out i pulled him off letting him drop.

I searched him trying to find anything we were far out now Siana left nothing anymore I'm coming baby I'm getting you both even if i have to die for you I will.

He had nothing on him but a walkie talkie I took it and put it in my shirt before moving around him.

" Don look at that" Nino yelled it was more men coming out it looked like a hundred of them light work I moved forward killing every  single one with just my hands they brought out something this was feeling like my mother all over again.

I can't fail my child and Siana I just can't I ripped the last one eyes out he fell down I went to check the cars they came in they couldn't be far away then.

" get in or get left!" I yelled at Nino and my dad it was to much time wasted they got in i pulled off
I followed the tracks of were they came it felt like forever a day already past when we first found out Siana was gone time was no joke my son has been gone for two Siana one and the drive wasn't doing us anything.

After hours we arrived this had to be it I parked awyso they wouldn't see us we all got out the car looking around I looked up seeing the girls and Andre going through the woods.

" let's move out" I told Nino and my father.


POV: Siana Rossi

" NO!" I screamed out as Aaron  kept trying to take my pants off Gemma took my son Tony tried to stop it but he just got ran over and was standing outside the door i could hear Gino crying I knew Gino was next door this place was like a fucking maze.

" stop fighting your wasting time shut up!" Aaron screamed out he brought his hand up slapped me i felt the sting on my already bruised up cheek it hurt like hell.

He brought his dirty fucking hand up and covered my mouth he ripped my shirt off  he was like a dirty dog he kissed on my body as he put his hands in my pants touching me down there i felt sick.

" MAMA!" I heard that scream it was one in pain I snapped hearing my baby call out to me was what i needed.

I bit Aaron hand hard not letting go i  bit till I felt skin come off I pulled back spitting it out i didn't give him time to waste i wrapped my legs around his neck and brought him down.

"PLEASE!" Gino yelled from the other room

I lost it i broke those chains around my hands and immediately took out my blade I stabbed Aaron over and over all in the face to fuck his body I moved down and cut his nasty dick off you should't get to have one once you rape, a girl.

I moved back seeing the lifeless body and his shit next to him cut off I took his keys and unlocked the door from the inside I wrapped the chain around Tony's neck and pulled as he tried to fight me off.

" this is for my son" I whispered in his ear I took one more  hard pull and snapped his neck he went limp i didn't trust it and sliced his neck to I dropped him and went to the room next door I unlocked it my sights  set on Gemma who had a gun to my kid head.

I pushed her making the gun drop we fought trying to get the gun i didn't need it though she was going to die by my bare hands.

She ran away from me and got the gun she pulled the trigger I pushed Gino out the way as it going to him I took the bullet falling back i never been shot before it wasn't a nice feeling especially because it went into my stomach.

I looked down seeing my blood pour out fast Gemma had a smile on her face as she went back to my son I pulled her leg making her trip i pulled her back and took both of my hands to her head and just started banging it on the ground I had adrenaline pumping through me  i never stopped.

Her brains were getting all over my face i didn't stop till her face was like mush on the ground i stopped things starting to settle, in I was losing blood.

" mama don't close your eyes!" Gino yelled as he came over towards me I was trying not to come on Siana get my child out alive he has to live.

" okay come on help mama up" i told him taking short breaths he helped me the best he could I leaned on the wall and took off my ripped shirt and tied it around my stomach.

" let's go" I told Gino I took his hand and lipped out the room I stopped and took Tony shirt and tied it i picked up Gino and put his head down on my shoulder.

" whatever you do don't look up" i told him

" i promise" he said i was going to find away out till an alarm went off the whole building was going from red to black fuck!

I tried to go as fast as I possibly but I was shot and it was slowing me down sadly i made my way through this long ass hallway I moved past this one door and i heard help that's all the lady was repeating just help that's all.

I still had the keys from earlier I opened the door to a woman who didn't look so good i didn't go in the room i left it unlocked it was up to her to get out i would only try to save Danny any one else fuck you.

" W-WAIT I'm Eleanor Rossi!" She yelled wait what I went back and took an actual look at her and OH MY GOSH

Matteo mother is alive!


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