Chapter 2

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POV: Siana Pèrez

Another day of just going through life trying to be the best mother i could be if people told you parenting is easy there lying and deserves to get the shit slapped ou of them for telling that ridiculous lie me and Gino we're taking a very long walk to this restaurant I saw it days back saying there hiring.

hopefully i can get the job i can cook but not really Italian food i really know how to make Mexican food so that's why I've always been a waitress I got told to my face my pasta taste like dog shit ever since then i have not made a single Italian dish I had Gino on my back his little feet was hurting so i had to carry him I finally seen the restaurant come into view.

The sign said closed but i can see a guy wiping tables down I knocked on the door " We're closed right now come back later!" I knocked again he rolled his eyes and came to open the door

" didn't you just hear what i said lady we're... close— I'm sorry come in".

He noticed Gino on my back as he opened the door wider my baby was sleeping like a angel.

" I'm sorry for stopping what you're doing but I see you are hiring is your manager here by any chance?" he looked a Gino then back at me scratching the back of his neck.

" look I don't doubt you would do good but who's going to look after the kid?" shit

" I got that under control can you just interview me?"

kids came running In from the back being loud waking Gino up go back to sleep please.

" Guys! what did I tell you stop running in here while I'm cleaning now go back upstairs with mom"

" sorry about my sisters they can be a lot this is a
Family owned business I'm Fabio" I shook his hand

" I'm siana" he was looking at me a little to long someone cleared their throat thank you

" Jesus brother I know you haven't seen beauty in so long but no need to stare the girl down I'm Bianca I'm guessing the little one on your back is you son considering he looks just like you or he could be you brother anyways I will watch him while you work and yes I was totally ease dropping and trust when I say we need the help around here"

I didn't know her and I am very protective over my child

" ummm how old are you ?" I asked Bianca looking her up and down

" I'm sixteen and I watch all of these fastidioso kids while the big guys work so I got this and look how handsome he is I just want to mess up his curls"

Gino gripped me tighter not liking her wanting to touch his curls I looked back at Fabio could I really trust her to watch my son.

" look I won't leave your sight with him we will be sitting in the back booth eating away beside I always sit right there" i really needed a job and she wasn't asking me for money

" fine but don't move with him you better sit right there"

yes I'm a protective a mom but I have every right to be I looked at Fabio and he handed me a apron with a big smile on his face.

" welcome to the Familia"

" gracias really I'm grateful" they looked confused

" that means thank you" they said ohhh at the same time I would think they would know that's the most easiest Spanish word I don't have an Italian accent my Mexican accent, still very strong.

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