Chapter 22

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POV: Matteo Rossi

We walked in the living room seeing Alex having a drink he looked up hearing us enter I shook his hand and took a seat across from him he greeted Nino then his eyes moved towards Siana lust in his eyes clearly she was very beautiful more than that everyone saw it.

I cleared my throat getting his attention back on me " it's nice to see but why are you" I asked him

" right sorry for just dropping by but today's meeting has been on my mind Kade is a rat I got what you were trying to say so I got my guy to follow Kade after the meeting he's been going to Petro house for a while I got access to the street cams and that's were he's been going for some time"

Before I could say something Siana spoke up " wait how far did you go back on the cams" I looked at her why would she even care what matters is Kade has been going more than once.

" that doesn't matter I want Kade in a grave I'm sending you and Nino to get him tonight" I told them.

" wait what tonight it's late and we should think this over Petro will see this coming I'm pretty sure he told him we're catching on to him lets slow down" Nino says

" No it's to much at risk we've be come Petro is winning and he knows that we keep getting played no more let's take back control and end this we go in tonight that's final I will go if that makes you feel better Siana draw up a plan please" 

I asked her softly my voice completely different  from when I talked to the guys Alex was surprised  she nodded her head getting up to go do what I asked.

" look are you sure?" Alex asked

" I'm sure"

" Siana can you hear us?"

" i can hear you be aware it's guards everywhere i know you wanted to go smoothly only killing kade but you're going to have to kill it's to many to just leave"

We all listened to her through the ear piece we were at Kades home ready to go in Siana came up with a great plan she was in the van telling us we're to go we hacked into Kade camera system so she can see everything.

" alright let's do this move out" I told Alex and Nino this needed to go smoothly.

We moved like a unit killing whoever was in our way Siana leading us like a true leader she is we killed clean making sure not to get blood everywhere we got to the main bedroom seeing Kade with a gun in his hand shaking looking at us as if we betrayed him yet it was the other way around.

"  don't take another step or I will shoot" Kade yelled at us his hand wasn't even stable i didn't give a fuck I took another step and another still not one bullet was fired such a coward I stopped when I was directly in front of him.

The gun was touching my chess yet he still didn't pull the trigger I pulled the gun down Kade was shaking like a leaf.

" I'm sorry I'm sorry Petro said I could have more power and more money I would never go behind your back you know that Matteo"

" But you did and you went to his house more than once you're the reason we've been getting fucked over give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill" I told him

" you can't— please I'm begging you Matteo I'm your business partner you're friend"

" you won't be the first partner, that I killed and you were never my friend just a coworker but to bad  you just have to die now"

" wait! I'm not the only rat yeah I might of messed up some of the plans but the main one is right under your nose i don't know only Petro knows but I would keep a close eye who's around your wife and kid that's really how your plans have been going to shit trust me Siana comes up with brilliant plans to bad the rat is one step ahead"

I knew that already but having it confirmed made it really set in stone Kade smiled at me as if that was the biggest secret and he was saved.

" so you won't kill me right"

" I changed my mind I'm just going to make it easier bring it in" I told him

I pulled kade into a hug I whispered into his ear  "i said give me a good reason to bad I already knew that you only confirmed for me" I told him he tried to get out of my grip realizing he's been tricked I snapped his neck quickly I did say I would make it easy not my fault he couldn't read between the lines I dropped his body.

" great now let's burn this shit to the ground and leave" Alex says.

" not yet"

" what do you mean not yet we came and did what we had to do let's go" Nino said

I ignored him and Alex I bent down to Kade dead body and turned him over so i could see the back of his neck I cut it open not even caring about the blood I took out the little hard drive just a little tip before you became a rat remember you told me things you wouldn't want people to know.

Kades dad had things on it before he died and put the hard drive in his son i wish i didn't have to kill Kade  he made his bed the second he went against me.

" Now we can go and don't ask questions" I told them

We left the house putting gasoline all around it and out I lit the match usually I would stay but I need to see what's on the hard drive.


We we're back home now Alex wanted to stay but i said no I wanted to go over the hard drive only with Nino and Siana Alex was upset about that but i didn't trust anyone except for them we were in my office trying to get this to work it's been in blood for a very long time.

We finally got it to work we were behind the desk I was going to press play on the video but the door opened having me to grip my gun.

" mama papa ?" I relaxed hearing it was just my son Me and Siana got up at the same time going over towards him Siana put him on her chest and just like that he was out like a light I kissed his head my son and Siana was my happiness I couldn't think if something happened to them.

I pressed play on the video Kade's dad was on the video looking pretty scared.

" i'm sorry Gino for what's going to happen tomorrow I'm sorry vin for what I did but i had to protect my family tomorrow you're wife is going to die tomorrow by the hands of Petro the heir to the Colombo mafia he threatened my wife so i helped him because if i didn't my wife was going to die I knew we're she's been the whole time.

But that's not all we thought for the longest time that Petro was the only child not true he has a half brother Petros mother cheated on his dad she got pregnant and kept the baby she never told Petros dad if she did she would die she gave up the baby for adoption.

Petro half brother is in the house with you Vin he will do whatever to be excepted by his bother I'm putting this in my son's neck he will know it's inside of him but not what's on it if you get it that's because my son is dead sadly Gino watch your back and you will win the war I know it but with some help and i have a feeling it will be from a woman's help don't turn her way."

My hands was shaking so not only was his son a fucking rat but he was to he knew they were planning to kill my mother he knew they took the only woman who was my everything she taught me so much and they took her but don't worry they will pay it's time we speed things up.


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