🧪Twenty two🦠

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After a while the horde eventually cleared, leaving a few zombies lingering along the highway. The five males slid out from under the cars and regrouped. Soonyoung ran his hand through his hair, clearly stressed.
"She'll be fine, nothing followed her and she should be able to find her way back to the warehouse on her own, when we get back she'll be there so stop freaking out" Jihoon said as he straightened out the map in his hands. The others knew Jihoon was right but couldn't help but worry about her.

The said girl was currently trudging through the forest trying to find something that could help her figure out where she was. She saw a few buildings in the distance and headed towards them. There were a few zombies she had to kill on her way there, blood splattering onto her face as she stabbed them through the side of the head. She watched the bodies drop to the floor, making sure they were dead, now desensitised to killing them, they were already dead anyway so it's not like she was actually murdering real people.

There was a small restaurant that she made her way into, searching for a pamphlet or anything that had an address on it or an area code. She was caught off guard and was tackled from behind. She dropped her knife and it slid to the other side of the room. She was pinned to the ground on her stomach, the weight on her back disabling her from moving. The zombie on her back was grabbing at her head, moving its mouth dangerously close to her shoulder. She reached for her blade, giving up when she couldn't reach it. She used her elbow and hit the zombie in the side of the head, pushing it off of her just enough so she could crawl forward and reach the blood stained blade. She felt it grab her leg and pull her towards it. She quickly turned around and stabbed the blade through its head, right through its left eye, the blade reaching its brain causing it to drop to floor next to her. She huffed and sat up supporting herself on her elbows. She looked next to her and stared at the zombie next to her, her blade sticking out of its eye.
"gross.." she groaned as she pulled it out, blood oozing out onto the floor beside her.

She suddenly felt a sharp pain coming from her lower leg. Her pants has been torn and there was deep cut along her leg, blood slowly staining her pants. Her face paled, not knowing how she got the gash on her leg. There was shattered glass on the floor covered in blood, maybe the glass cut her leg? Although she did feel the zombie pull and tug at her leg before she killed it, but surely she would have known if it scratched her or not. She decided to go with the first option, not wanting to accept the reality that she could possibly become infected if it was the zombie that scratched her.

Her head started to feel light as blood continued to leave her leg.
"Pressure... i need to put pressure on it.." she mumbled, looking around frantically as she tried to remember what Minghao taught her. She stumbled her way over to the restaurants counter, finding an old rag. That will do for now she thought as she rapped it around her leg and pulled on it tightly, wincing at the pain. Conveniently enough, she remembered seeing a hospital a few buildings away from the one she was in. She picked up her bag from the floor, regretting not packing first aid supplies, knowing Minghao would scold her if he was with her right now. When she left the restaurant, the hospital looked a lot further away than she thought it was.

While Y/n was limping her way over to the hospital, the rest of the supply team had finally made their way into the central part of the city aka Jongno-gu (종로구), the district housing their destination, the 'Government Complex Seoul'. The group made their way into the main building of the complex. The building was fairly spotless, aside from the dust covering every surface and the occasional pieces of paper that scattered the floor. It was eerily quiet but it was clear there were no zombies inside, as if everyone fled the building before the apocalypse broke out. How convenient Jihoon thought as he took his flashlight out of his bag, lighting up the room around them.

They wandered around the building for a while, scanning through and reading as many documents they could find that might be relevant to the outbreak. After searching for a while, they couldn't find anything.
"it can't be a coincidence that this building looks untouched, the government would have had to of known something but there's no evidence here..." Seokmin mumbled.
"They probably took all the evidence with them or destroyed it" Vernon added, closing another cabinet that proved useless.
"They really couldn't find another way to solve the whole overpopulation thing? it's so fucked, they just packed up and left us all here to die" Mingyu complained.

They all tensed when they heard rustling coming from a nearby room. Soonyoung clutched the gun at his hip, the others followed and armed themselves also. They knew it wasn't a zombie as they heard hushed voices coming from the other room, yet they didn't know if they were a threat or not. They heard footsteps coming closer. Vernon stood next to the entrance of the room and held his baseball bat up, ready to hit someone if he needed to. Jihoon turned his flashlight off as the footsteps got closer. A figure appeared in the door frame, the figure slightly distorted as it was dark in the room.
"Is someone in he—" the figure spoke but was cut off when Vernon went to swing at them. The person narrowly missed the bat and ducked out of the way,
"woah what the hell!" the person yelled, their voice sounding as though it belonged to a male.

Another person ran into the room,
"what happened? are you okay?!" they asked as they shone their flashlight into the room, directly into Vernon's eyes, who subconsciously dropped the bat to shield his eyes from the bright light. The room was silent for a moment before the second guy spoke up, the tone of his voice confused,
"is that my bat?".

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