🧪Sixty one🦠

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"you know...i'm not surprised you didn't tell them, considering they shot your other friend who got bit" the man mused, reaching his hand out and twirling a strand of Y/n's hair around his finger. Soonyoung went to step forward, his fists clenched. Vernon put his hand in front of him to hold him back,
"we can't risk them hurting her" he said.

"Y/n what are they talking about?" Chan asked, clearly perplexed with what these men were talking about. One of the men scoffed when Y/n didn't reply. He roughly grabbed her arm and yanked up her sleeve.
"Princess over here got bit" he said as he twisted her arm to show everyone.

Everyone stared at her arm confused, not really being able to see anything from a distance.
"that's not true, Y/n was never bit, she would have turned if she was and she would have told us. Right?" Seungcheol said, looking to Y/n for confirmation. He frowned when she didn't reply. She looked to the ground and held a guilty expression on her face.

"No she should have turned, but she didn't, that's why we want her" The man holding the blade to her throat said.

"we followed your little friend after she shot our friend, we were going to kill her but saw her get attacked and bit in a restaurant so we thought it would more fun to let her turn than kill her when she was still human, but that never happened so here we are" the other man said, waving his gun around lazily at the group in front of him.

"Y/n's immune?" Chan said out loud, more to himself than to anyone else.
"fuck me you're all stupid, yes she's immune dipshit that's why we want her and her blood" the man holding Y/n said, a smirk creeping up onto his face as he pressed his blade harder against Y/n's neck, drawing more blood which trickled down her neck. Y/n winced and her breath hitched. The man swept his finger over the blood trailing down her skin and brought it up to his lips, licking it off.

She grimaced, disgusting psycho.

Y/n looked around in desperation, she looked over at Mingyu who was still losing blood, colour slowly draining from his face. If they didn't help him now he could die soon. She looked over at Soonyoung and her brother who looked like they were two seconds away from doing something stupid.

She tried not to move as she moved her hand to her waist, feeling around for her blade. When she felt the sharp edge against her fingertips she slowly slid it into the palm of her hand. She looked over to make sure the man didn't see what she was doing. She then made eye contact with Vernon who noticed the blade in her hand. His eyes widened and he shook his head slightly to tell her not to do whatever she was thinking of doing.

She flicked the blade around so the sharp edge was facing the man behind her. She tapped her fingers anxiously on the handle before breathing in. This could go terribly wrong and even if it didn't go wrong, she wasn't sure what to do next. She looked over at Vernon again to give him a look that said I'm going to do it. Vernon looked extremely stressed, but he moved his hand to clutch his gun, ready to fire if he needed to.

Jeonghan noticed Vernon and Y/n exchanging glances, immediately understanding the situation when he glanced down at their grip on their weapons. He was knelt down next to Mingyu and Seokmin. He nudged Minghao and whispered to Seokmin and Seungkwan,
"we need to be ready to carry him" he instructed, redirecting their attention to the situation that was about to unfold.

"you want me to prove it to you?" the man with the gun said, noticing a few zombies lingering closer to them in the distance. He shot his gun in the air, catching the attention of the zombies. They started sprinting towards them, stumbling over and thrashing their arms about. He grabbed one by the neck once they got close enough to them, letting the other ones run to towards the group. While the group was focused on killing the zombies, the man pushed the zombie he was holding by the back of its neck towards Y/n. She panicked and shoved her knife deep into the thigh of the man who was holding her. He groaned loudly in pain and instantly dropped her. She ducked out of the way as the zombie lunged at her, it falling on top of the man instead. She watched in horror as the zombie tore away at the man's body. Yes, he deserved it but it still wasn't a pleasant thing to witness.

"You bitch!!!" the other man said, watching furiously as the zombie sunk its teeth into his friend. He stormed over to Y/n and pulled her up by her hair. He kicked the zombie off of his friend, it growling angrily at being interrupted. It stood up and ran towards them. Y/n was pushed into it. It grabbed onto her and bit into her shoulder. She screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. The zombie was shot through the head and fell to the ground next to her. She heard another gun shot a few seconds later and heard another body drop behind her. The man was lying on the ground, blood pouring out of his head as his lifeless eyes stared back at her.

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