🧪Fourty six🦠

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Vernon and Soonyoung walked around the store while Y/n chose clothes to change into at the back of the store. To her it felt like déjà vu, thinking back to when she was last in a clothing store with Seokmin. While to the other two it felt like time was passing by so slowly, both of them standing in awkward silence, trying to avoid making eye contact with the other. They didn't hate each other. Not at all. There was always just an uncomfortable tension between them that neither of them spoke about.

"Can one of you come help me please" Y/n called out, her voice soft. Soonyoung's ears perked up at her voice and looked over at Vernon who didn't seem to hear her calling out to them. He walked to the back and turned to where the fitting rooms were. Y/n turned around at hearing shuffling behind her and stared at Soonyoung with an embarrassed smile.
"the zippers stuck..." she mumbled, her hand gesturing to the zipper at the back of her shirt.

She turned around and faced the wall, swooping her hair over her shoulder so it was out of the way. Soonyoung hesitated slightly before stepping towards her, taking the zipper into his hands, wiggling it up and down to try and get it unstuck. He put more force into pulling the zipper down which caused Y/n to jolt forward, placing her hands on the wall in front of her to keep her from face planting into it.
"be careful geez.." she breathed out, hands still on the wall as she mumbled curses at him. Soonyoung eventually pulled the zipper down. His hand lingered on her waist, fingers tips tracing her skin. Noticing the position they were in - Y/n bent over slightly with her hands on the wall, her head turned slightly to look back at him and his hands gripping her waist - his mind wandered to a not so innocent place.

"did you get it?" she asked, confused as to why Soonyoung was just standing behind her silently. Her face flushed when she felt his fingertips trail up and down her skin. He turned her around and stared at her longingly. She stayed silent, wanting to see what Soonyoung would do. Her heart rate quickened when he lifted his hand to her face, thumb caressing her cheek, his other hand still placed on her waist. She noticed his eyes travelling down to her lips, anticipating what was to come next.

"Y/n are you done? the other guys are waiting outside" Vernon asked, his voice getting progressively closer. Y/n instantly panicked and pushed the white haired male away from her, who groaned internally at being interrupted.
"Yeah give me a minute! I'll be right out!" she squeaked out. She finished getting changed quickly into something that was...less bloody and rushed out of the fitting room. Soonyoung's eyes were trained on her as she walked out of the store, pretending as if nothing had happened between the two of them, or at least what was about to happen.

After half an hour or so of gathering more supplies, the group decided that they should head back to the cabin. They made their way out of the store they were currently in and noticed an abundance of zombies lurking outside.
"What the hell..." Seungcheol muttered, slowly moving back into the store with everyone else.
"where did they all come from? i swear there wasn't this many before.." Y/n said, peering at the crowd outside through the store windows.

"There's an emergency exit over to the left, if we make it over there it could be an easy way out without being spotted" Vernon suggested, pointing to an escape door not far from where they were. They all agreed and decided it would be best if they went two at a time so they wouldn't draw attention to themselves. Seungcheol was the first one to go, sliding out of the store quietly, sticking to the walls as he walked quickly over to the door. Everyone else held their breathes as they watched him, praying that he would make it over there safely and unharmed.

Seungcheol held down the handle to the door and pushed his body weight against it, the heavy door opening slowly. He leaned against it to keep it open and waved the others over. Vernon and Jihoon were the next pair to go, successfully making their way to the door as well.

Although they had been in many situations like this before, Y/n had never gotten used to the anxious and crippling feeling she felt inside of her when facing this many zombies at once. It wasn't exactly comforting knowing that one wrong move could leave you and your friends dead. Mingyu noticed the anxiety building up in her as she chewed on her lip. He took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly, gently guiding her out of the store. They kept their hands tightly intertwined as they crept past the undead. Mingyu had his eyes focused on the door ahead whereas Y/n tried to look anywhere but the zombies around her. When they got close to the door Seungcheol immediately pulled his sister behind him and into the stairwell, wanting her to be safe.

She looked over her brothers shoulder, looking past the zombies and into the store they were just in. Soonyoung and Seokmin were the last two that needed to leave the store. While they were waiting, a few zombies had wandered over to the once clear path that they were following to the emergency exit. Both males cursed under their breath, trying to figure out another way to join the rest of their group. While Seokmin was internally freaking out, Soonyoung looked around for something he could use as a distraction. His eyes scanned the shelves and found something decently hard and heavy. He picked it up and walked to the opening of the shop. He lifted his arm up and threw it as far as he could. It hit the floor with a loud bang which attracted most of the zombies that were on their current level.

While they were distracted Seokmin and Soonyoung ran out of the store and towards the door where everyone else was waiting for them. The zombies that hadn't been distracted by Soonyoung's object, quickly took notice of the two boys, immediately chasing after them. Soonyoung and Seokmin rushed through the door that Seungcheol was keeping open and slammed it shut behind them, holding it closed as the zombies pushed against it on the other side.


I made this chapter longer than usual for you guyssss!!!!  I've come up with the rest of the storyline for this book so it may or may not be ending soon, im not entirely sure yet. Alsoooo we hit 20k reads!!!!😫😫😫 that's so crazy thank you guys so much🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🥰🥰

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