Chapter 1

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A/N: Another WIP hahahaaa....I admit I wrote this in a fever and just felt like posting it. I will go through and hopefully fix any glaring issues but I hope you guys enjoy the premise and have fun! Time for my chubby readers to get some shine!

The male interviewer assessed me, looking me up and down with approval. He smiled at the woman who was also interviewing me and she nodded in agreement.

"Yup! You're perfect." He said with a pleased smile.

"Not sure what my body has to do with being a secretary." I frowned.

"Oh! Well, with your physique it'll be easier to dispel certain scandals."


"Not to say you aren't a pretty young woman just...y'know!" He said with a nervous laugh.

I sighed, mentally going back and forth on whether I just wanted to end the interview right here. Currently, I was sitting in one of the meeting rooms of one of the top agencies in the country. The fact that I was sitting here meant the ad was legit but the more I interacted with these two the more I questioned whether this whole thing was worth it.

When I saw the ad to be Dynamight's assistant I could've sworn it was a scam. The salary was way above industry standard and the benefits were downright legendary. Applying to this was akin to throwing my hat in the ring for the lottery. Probably not gonna happen but it would be pretty cool if it did. However, given how disrespectful these interviewers were, the ad seems more believable.

"Your skills seem to line up with the duties required for this job. However, before we make a decision we'd like to do a field test." He said.

No regard for my time. Way too comfortable commenting on my body. Asking for free labor. Already three red flags.

But the salary...

Even if it was just for a few months. If I saved most of that paycheck I could go vacationing abroad if I wanted to. Doesn't mean I'm gonna be a total pushover of course.

"Only if the field test is compensated." I said.

"This is an opportunity to see the behind-the-scenes of hero work. It's a priceless experience!" He huffed.

I stared at him long enough for him to start squirming before I leaned forward, put my arms on the table, and gave him my most professional smile.

"While I appreciate the opportunity I think I wil-"

"Wait!" She panicked. "Of course, we'll compensate you!"

I quirked my brow at her as she gave the male interviewer a look. He sighed and looked back at me.

"You will be compensated for your time today of course."

"I'd like in writing the amount of monetary compensation I will be receiving and a copy of that form please." I said with a sweet smile.

"Fine...if you get hired. If we onboard you, you will be compensated."

So the drawback is I could waste my entire day. However, she was desperate for a reason. There's no way this job doesn't have more serious drawbacks with the amount of money they're offering.

"If there is excessive stress, injury or loss I would like to be compensated either way," I said. "Of course, we can line out what that involves beforehand to prevent any abuse."

He thought for a moment then reluctantly asked the girl to type everything up. While she went to get that together he pulled out a piece of paper and explained the current schedule for today. Some photo shoots and interviews for the most part. Normally organizing the schedule and coordinating with clients would be my job but naturally, that was already taken care of for today. So far he didn't mention anything that would be out of the norm. So what's the catch?

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