Chapter 25

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A/N: A lot of my meetings were canceled today so I ended up having time! I'm personally ready for shit to hit the fan so here's another chapter!

"Hey! Thanks for meeting me." Kaiya said.

"Hello," I said, sitting down. "So what about Bakugo?"

"Well..." She wrung her hands looking to the side. "I wanted to know how everything's going before I say anything."

"It's going fine?" I said.

Why do you care?

"Is he...being nice?"

"Can you just tell me what you need to tell me?" I sighed.

"Yea. I just wanted to give you a heads-up. About Dynamight." She said.

"About the assistant slayer thing? Don't worry about that I already went through the wringer on that."

"Not that. Just....." She said.

"Then what?"

She took a deep breath and looked me in the eye while clutching her cup with a tighter grip.

"Dynamight...was only nice to me after we started flirting." She said quietly in a rush. "That's...that's why I asked."

My heart dropped.


"When I first started two years ago, he treated me like everybody else. Harsh, callous, the whole nine." She said sadly. "I wasn't doing well. I needed the job so I couldn't quit but I wanted to die every day I went in."

She took a deep breath.

"So...I changed my approach. Keeping my head down wasn't really working so maybe if I tried to like force a friendship it'd work eventually. Going with sugar instead of salt and all that. And it worked sort of. He acted like I was insane at first but...he finally wasn't being an asshole."

When did Bakugo stop being an ass?

I thought about when everything changed. I also changed tactics. Changed his schedule, and accommodated him but the first time I remember him being nice and it didn't have to do with keeping his schedule was...

After I met "Kuro".

"But then he started acting...weird. Always a little too close. Testing the waters. Then it was blatant flirting. I kept it up because I really wanted him to just be nice. And if it was like that so be it."

That...doesn't sound like him

I tried to ignore it but I could feel a surge of emotions bubbling under the surface. Like my blood was made of ice but my face was hot. It felt like the rug was swept from under me. I didn't want to think about it but the rumors that no one would tell me. My interview with Mr. Kakimori and the comments he made. I quickly shoved it into a box. I used my quirk to school my body.

"Then the rumors started. I mean it made sense obviously. But the comments and looks from coworkers. Soon it spread beyond the company and it started to impede my job. So I met him outside of work to try to resolve some things but someone caught us. And things got exponentially worse after that." She said sadly.

She looked me in the eye, a defeated expression on her face.

"It became too much. So I quit. No one wanted me around anyway."

I sat back and processed the information just given to me. No matter how you slice it she's being way too vague about this. Flashes of Bakugo looking at her like he looked at me. Saying the things he said to me to her. It put a sour taste in my mouth. I looked at her. She was blonde, doe-eyed, thin, and had an aura that made you want to protect her. Ugly feelings swirled in my gut as I kept my face neutral.

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