Chapter 43

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A/N: I've finally moved! I'm still tired but I also want to write so here it is! a

A long stretch of silence played out before either of us spoke again.

" not want to anymore?" I asked softly.

"I do."


I couldn't really think of anything else since my heart was pounding. It's one thing to mess around, it's another to have his face all up in there was a different thing entirely. Is it my first time? No. But it is my first time with someone I'm obsessed with. We arrived to the office shortly and I absentmindedly gathered all my stuff while thinking about how to prepare. I walked into Katsuki's office to put down the relevant documents for him to read on his desk. I heard a small click but paid it no mind. I couldn't however, ignore Katsuki's hands wrapping around my hips or his lips brushing against my neck.



"You remember when I said to be more careful at work?"

"I don't remember agreeing to anything."

"Can't wait until we get home?"

"Can you?"

I didn't respond and he smirked.

"I...I don't want to have to be quiet." I mumbled.

Katsuki stopped for a few seconds. Just when I wanted to check if everything was okay he took my hand and walked me to the middle elevator. We went down to one of the training facilities. He took me to the locker room into the sauna.

"Wait wait wait!" I said. "The sauna?!"


Immediately I was hit with a wave of heat. I unbuttoned the first few buttons of my shirt, trying to cool off. Katsuki covered the window and locked the door to indicate it was occupied. I sat down, flapping my shirt to stave off the heat. He noticed this and poured some water on the coals, filling up the room with more steam. His lips brushed against mine. I cupped his face deepening the kiss. His eyes widened before he obliged. His lips trailed down my chin to my neck and further down.

"You're not hot?" I asked.

He shook his head and I swallowed my pride before fiddling with his shirt.

"Can you take your shirt off anyway?"

He looked at me, smiling before following my request. I stared at the muscles in his shoulder and arms as he continued downward. He started to shimmy my underwear off and I moved to take the skirt off but he stopped me.

"Keep it on."

"You really are into secretaries. Who knew the devil speak guy was onto something."

"Don't ever compare me to that guy." He grumbled.

I laughed a little before shifting my skirt and opening my legs, showing him how needy I was for him.

"To be honest, I haven't been able to focus all day." I said.

Not being able to talk to Katsuki for two weeks and then being with him all day was rough. Hearing his husky voice as he answered questions. Looking at the muscles in his arms as he crossed them or the way his hips moved when he walked. Even the manspreading was a certain level of devious because it made me want to ride him. It was torture.

"I guess we both were wound up."

He let out a shuddering breath and kissed my jaw before lifting my leg. He looked me in the eyes as he trailed kisses down my thighs. He didn't say anything but I could see the lewd thoughts cross his mind. Sometimes he'd look at my chest and swirl his tongue. Or he'd look at my lips and bite and suck. By the time he reached his destination I was dying for him to touch me where I needed it.

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