Chapter 28

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A/N: I've been waiting to publish this chapter :3. I also may have to change my update days to Monday because things at work are picking up and Tuesdays tend to be one of my busier days. I'm publishing this chapter the night before because I have quite the full plate for tomorrow. Enjoy the chapter~! 

A few days have passed since the incident. No one mentioned anything about the pool. Thank God. Everyone (to my face) has been supportive of the Devil Speak Incident. No one has asked about Bakugo at all since the celebration. In terms of that, I was waiting for the other ball to drop. Bakugo hasn't left my side for more than 15 minutes at a time, which was also probably a factor in why people aren't mentioning it to me. And I've been too busy being relieved to advise against it.

We were currently heading to the set of the second event for This Means War. It was a grassy field surrounded by high-level seating, kind of like a forestry amphitheater. There was a crowd of pretty well-dressed people in the stands ranging from all ages. The announcer got a permit to flit around the battlefield with a camera guy to give a play-by-play. There were also cameras set up around the area to make sure the enemies were displayed at a good angle. The amount of planning that had to go into this was insane. There were electricity quirk users powering the event on generators. Apparently, this was one of their highest-paying gigs which made me feel better about seeing them work so hard backstage. 

"Hey, when did we sell tickets for this?" I asked one of my coworkers.

"We didn't apparently this was going to double as an investment showing for new semi-real hologram technology they wanted to implement in training centers. It's pretty much VIPs and their families." He answered.

That explains why I didn't see anything for the monsters. Also explains the one-by-one approach. It would probably overload the system to try to handle all three at once. The reasons I knew about were that it was structured like this In order to make sure the live audience can have a good experience and the camera crew had the best chance at getting good footage when it was released on TV. There was some commotion backstage but I didn't really pay attention to it until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Can you do us a favor?"

Bakugo POV

I pulled at the skimpy fantasy outfit I had on. I basically had only pants on. My hair was mussed and I tugged on the dragon claw necklace around my neck. This wouldn't be practical in any way if I was in a fight. The sword was cool though. The only one who wasn't showing a ton of skin was Deku. When given the signal, we stepped out on stage. Lots of loudass screaming and fuss greeted us. I sighed but tried not to show too much displeasure. This needed this to be a success.

"Welcome back to This Means War! Just to give the crowd a little refresher let's go over the results of the last round."

My eye twitched when I saw myself in last place. No matter what, I'm fucking changing that. They explained the rules. Slay the beast and bring the princess back to the safe zone at the start line. First place gets rewarded with a peck on the cheek. Simple enough. They spun a wheel to see who would go first and it landed on Deku. He stepped up and prepared himself to run. I silently wished the loser would trip just before the bell rang. Things were going fine until he reached the halfway point. At that moment column of fire rained down from above and a dragon flew down.

It roared, drowning out everything else. Its tail curled around the mini castle behind it. The princess at the top screeched to save her. I imagine those were her lines anyway but she actually looked a bit scared. The dragon loomed over Deku as he took a few steps back. I could practically hear him thinking from here. Deku rushed forward and did some test punches against the dragon. It winced but hardly stopped.

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