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-Several Months Later-

I stretched my arms above my head and sighed happily.

"You always finish your work so fast." My coworker sighed. "How do you do it?"

I thought for a moment.


"Must've been pretty bad if they were complaining about you of all people." She laughed. "At least you got something out of it though."

"Yeah, a couple of things." I smiled.

I've been working for Miruko's agency for five months now. Compared to before this was amazing. More relaxed workwear, straightforward communication that isn't at all passive-aggressive, a less intense pace, and best of all I got to spread the word about a really good agency. We even got to rehabilitate Katsuki's image a little bit by talking about some of the problems with the current hero industry on some podcasts.

When I first signed on, I wondered how we were going to keep this place running on just government funds. From what I understood, almost 70% of my last agency's revenue came from PR events. Luckily though, it turned out that the Dynamight fandom is simply a force to be reckoned with. Even if it's just hero conferences and interviews about missions and hero work he got basically the same viewership level. Which meant news stations and networks really wanted to work with us.

Since I had experience in working with the media, I ended up handling that for Miruko's agency. Word spread and the other places I worked with also reached out to see if any of the other heroes wanted to do any extra events. There were some junior heroes interested in PR events so I coordinated it and trained our team on how to organize those. There was initially some pushback from Miruko since she wanted it to be strictly hero work but we eventually convinced her a little bit of extra is fine.

I was no longer working with Katsuki exclusively. Not much need for me since this agency wasn't structured for that. And apparently, he'd been worried I'd start to see him as a job if we kept working together. A hidden bonus to no longer working directly with each other is I liked hearing him describe his day when we got home. Miruko was a great boss. She didn't micromanage and seemed to trust us to handle things. She and I collaborated a lot in the beginning to figure out how to spread the word about her agency in a way she agreed with. The process was so easy and collaborative that it made me nervous.

Our core philosophy was this: "This is an agency that was dedicated to its heroes and the community first and foremost." A lot of younger heroes flocked to that message and when we got some major accomplishments under our belt, more eyes slowly started to turn toward us. Apparently, I exceeded Miruko's expectations with my unusual suggestions that tended to grab a bunch of attention. I didn't know how to tell her it was because I'd been in fandom for a long time.

Katsuki was way happier now. To the point, he's been caught in public almost smiling a couple of times. It's also evident in our relationship. For better or for worse he's um...more lively. I've started to go to the gym to be able to keep up. I had to reassure him that I wasn't doing it to lose weight or anything. And honestly, it's been nice! The afterglow, not the actual exercise. I still hate that. At least my newfound athleticism has enabled me to even join him on some of his hikes.

As much as I would love to publicly be Katsuki's one and only we decided to keep it very low-key. He indicated he was taken after several rumors of him and Uraraka floated around but that was about it. Until one day something possessed him to comment on somebody's post. It was one of those things where they were theorizing what could possibly be Dynamight's type. "My type is big and mean." I suspect the waitress insisting we were friends despite us both obviously being dressed for a date prompted it. Katsuki's been extra attentive to that sort of thing after his stint of being me for a few hours. It pisses him off more than me sometimes.

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