Chapter 49

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A/N: Hey y'all sorry about last week. I just...completely forgot to publish then time continued getting away from me.

Dynamight POV

"Have you guys found anything?" I asked.

"Nothing on the tech side." Kame sighed. "I even tried looking into building access records. None of the guest passes were Kaiya."

"I've asked around but nobody really has seen Kaiya." Shiori groaned. "Seriously did she telepathically swipe it or something?"

"No, I checked her quirk records." Katsuki said. "Plus she told me her quirk had something to do with flowers."

"So that's why she always smelled nice." Akira said before Miyuki elbowed him.

"She got that information somehow," I said. "We'll find it eventually."

My phone dinged, letting me know another event was coming up. Mrs. Ebi would probably be looking for me soon. I got up so I could meet her without stressing her out. That was about all the kindness I had to spare though. The feeling of having no control over my schedule after I busted my ass for the company made me want to blow that bastard's face up.

"Let's keep trying." I said before leaving.


These last couple of days have been a ride, to say the least emotionally. I would wake up panicked about being late for work then remember I didn't have to anymore. Throughout the days I'd remember things I was supposed to check up on, and then I'd remember it wasn't my business anymore. It took two days before I could stomach admitting it to my parents. They were floored to say the least but no harsh words were thrown my way. It probably helped that I was sobbing as I tried to get the words out.

There was a small part of me that quietly thought I probably deserved it. Maybe if I stayed in my place. Maybe if I didn't yell at him at the hotel. Maybe if I never kissed Dynamight in the pool. Maybe Maybe Maybe. Logically, I knew Mr. Kakimori was never satisfied. My wins were his wins and my failures were mine alone. It still didn't stop the creeping thoughts though.

I was flooded with messages from the pro-hero group chat with condolences and offers to help. I gave myself a week to grieve so I haven't replied. I've gone home at this point and laid in bed since I've gotten here. I couldn't handle all the messages so I've resorted to just silencing my messages at all times. Another wave of embarrassment washed over me. This usually preluded another angry fit. I was so tired of crying. My doorbell rang and since I didn't feel like changing or being presentable, I answered as I was, in my pajamas. Then I quickly felt immense regret because Katsuki was here with Miruko.

"Can we come in?" She asked.

"Uh....Sure!" I said moving out of the way.

Is there anything that should be immediately done away with.? As long as they don't go in the kitchen it should be fine I think.

"I'll get straight to the point. I want you and Katsuki to work for me at my agency." She said.

All mental stealth cleaning plans stopped abruptly as her words caught up to me.

"You have an agency?" I asked.

"See? Nobody knew about it." Katsuki said causing Miruko to roll her eyes. "But with her help, everyone can know about it."

"Katsuki?" I said, giving him a look.

"He told me about how you planned the This Means War event. I won't be needing that sort of advertisement but I'd like you to put the word out for hero work. Do you think those skills could transfer over?" She asked.

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