Chapter 33

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A/N: Happy Juneteenth Y'all. May this country do some actual real change one day instead of performative stuff.

The next day went like the ones before but I felt a mix of excitement and dread in my system. Our first official date. A pre-planned, predefined bonafide date. I've been out with Bakugo before but there was always something going on. I glanced at him. He seemed calm as ever. Which means I also need to treat this like any other day. After work, I went home and changed my outfit.

We were going to go to a concert tonight. Apparently, Kaminari and Sero invited him. I checked my outfit in the mirror. I thought it was cute in a grungy, going to a bar way. I've never been to an underground concert so I guess we'll find out if I fit in or not. I took a deep breath.

He's still the same Bakugo. Calm down

I wanted to meet him there so I had time to freak out and hype myself up. I got on the bus and got off a couple of blocks away from the place. When I got there, I waited outside, looking at the outfits of the people who went in. I looked down and smiled, looks like I got the general vibe right. I took some more calming breaths to try to slow my heartbeat.

Thank god it's a concert, I don't think I could manage a conversation right now.


I turn and see a random brown-haired guy with brown eyes giving me an easy smile.

"Hi." I said, disappointed.

He waited for more of a reaction which confused me. Did he want something? I looked behind him and that's when I saw it. A group of three more guys hung back, laughing to themselves and glancing at us. I looked back at the brown-haired guy who was stepping closer. I didn't bother smiling because I knew what this was. Another game of Catch the Pig. Well, on the bright side I wasn't nervous anymore. I could smell traces of alcohol while he made a show of looking up and down my body.

"You're pretty cute! Wanna grab a drink." He said.

I looked away.

"Sorry, I'm not interested."

I guess the group of guys could hear because there was faint laughter in the background. He glanced back and then turned to me with a more forced smile.

"C'mon, I'll show you a good time."

"I'm really not interested." I said firmly. "Bother someone else."

He sighed exaggeratedly and then grabbed my arm. His fingers dug into my skin.

"Look you fat bitch I'm trying to pay you a compl-"

Surprise washed over his face as a ripping sound echoed on the street. Then a piece of cloth was shoved into his mouth as he was yanked back. A recognizable pair of dark hair and red eyes stepped in front of me.

"B-Kuro." I said with a smile.

"Seemed like he needed a muzzle." He said sweetly to me.

He turned back to the guy who spat out the cloth and was holding his shirt up. He looked at Bakugo angrily before he met his gaze.

"Say that shit to her again and I'll melt your lips shut." He said, his palms glowing.

People stared and the guy looked around the crowd before scurrying off to his friends. I looked at Bakugo.

"...Did you rip the back half of his shirt off?"

"Grab at the seams and yank hard and quick." He said copying the motion.

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