Chapter 11

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A/N: I feel like falling in love this Friday eve. Hope y'all do too. Have a chapter!

As I briefed Dynamight on everything we needed to do today, his eyes never left me once. He seemed to be thinking hard. Way too hard. He was definitely not listening. I put down the papers and rolled my eyes.

"What?" I huffed.

"That." He sneered.

I stared at him for a moment waiting for him to continue while he sighed and shook his head.

"Elaborate." I said through clenched teeth.

"You're always crabby! You never smile, you're never even polite." He snapped. "You no longer look like a raccoon so what's the problem?"

"Hi pot, I'm kettle."

"You can smile at Deku, Shitty hair, and IcyHot but not your boss." He continued.

"Oh my god, you're actually serious right now."

"I'm just saying, would it kill you to be professional?"

"PROFESSIONAL??" My eyes bugged out.

"Yea!" He said, crossing his arms.

I thought I was finally getting a grasp on him but I was wrong. He kept finding new ways to be annoying. Fine. Two can play this game.

"If I gotta treat you with kid gloves it's gonna be equal. You have to be nice." I said.

"I don't-"

"If you can't practice what you preach that's fine-"

He stood up, crossing his arms.

"I could handle being nice way longer than you can."


"You couldn't stop taking jabs if your life depended on it." He said pointing a finger at me.

"Your life actively depends on it and you gamble every day being an asshole."

"Exactly. I know where the line is, otherwise, I wouldn't have a career. So you gonna keep stalling or are we doing this?"

I stared at him for a moment before conceding. What'll teach him to never bring this up again?

"Fine. Loser has to have a compliment button" I sneered.

"A compliment button?"

"Every time the winner presses it, you have to smile and tell them how great they are."

The second Dynamight registered the words, an evil glint sparkled in his eyes as a crooked smile took over his face.

"And this is all day?" He asked.

"All. Day." In fact, to sweeten the deal I'll even throw in wearing merch that says "Winner's Name Fan Club."

Evil laughter bubbled from his throat as his smile turned more wicked.

"You've got yourself a deal."

-The next day-

I took a deep breath as I exited the elevator. I set my stuff down and prepared myself to act like a brand-new person. This wasn't life and death. It was worse. My pride was on the line. To give myself one last piece of motivation to be nice to that man-child, I envisioned myself with a Dynamight Fan Club shirt and shuddered. I'd rather die.

"Y/N. Ready to go?" Dynamight asked.


I turned around and bowed a bit before finally facing him head-on, a serene smile on my face.

This Means War [Bakugo x Chubby Reader]Where stories live. Discover now