Chapter 6

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Two months in and I can finally say we have a proper rhythm going with little interference from upper management. Today was a patrol day so I already mentally prepared all of the energy I needed for answering tens of calls that definitely could've been emails, creepy fans who poorly attempt to pry the details of Dynamight's schedule from me, and old people who dialed the wrong number.

I glanced at Dynamight who was checking some final things on his computer before heading out. I even tried to imagine him standing over me like he did yesterday. My heartbeat stayed normal. Guess it was a fluke. Dynamight stood up and locked his computer before closing his office door. He walked over to my desk. I was confused but ready to say goodbye to him when he locked my fucking computer. I threw my hands up, glaring at him.

"Get up." Dynamight said.

"Why? I was all set up!" I seethed gesturing to my now dark computer.

"You're coming with me today."

"Do you have any idea how far behind this will make me?"

"Quit whining, let's go."

I huffed and angrily gathered my stuff, following him into the elevator. All of those calls. I'm gonna have to leave voicemails and play phone tag. Worst of all this means the calls will take longer and this will carry over the entire week -maybe two just because of this asshole-! My thoughts stopped when I bumped into someone.

"I'm-" I started to say when I realized who I bumped into. "S-sorry..."

The number one rookie, Deku. His curly hair bounced as he turned. I could also see his cute freckled face, which oddly worked with his clearly built body, form into worry as he rushed to apologize. People often describe him as unexpectedly handsome and at this moment I'd have to agree. A total boy-next-door type. He stepped back with a bright apologetic smile. Now I can say my heart's speeding up a bit.

"No, it's my fault! I was standing too close to the elevator entrance. Sorry!" He apologized his hands nervously flitting around.

"No I-" I started.

"C'mon." Dynamight hissed.

He grabbed my head and roughly turned me towards him. I shot a glare at Dynamight. He didn't acknowledge me and stubbornly pulled my arm to force me to walk with him. I apologetically mouthed a sorry to Deku before yanking my arm from Dynamight. Deku looked confused at Dynamight for a second before he jogged to catch up. I wrenched my arm away and pouted. Why couldn't I have worked under someone like Deku? Someone nice? Sweet? Handsome?


I glanced at Dynamight in his uniform. He knew how to design it I'll give him that. He showcased his arms and body at the same time with the cut of his suit. And to make things worse he's a real looker in the face when he wasn't actively being a shithead. I sighed at the wasted potential. He looked at me and rolled his eyes before looking back ahead. We walked down the street and still, no one was telling me anything. Deku's assistant seemed confused too. A few blocks down, Red Riot joined us, exchanging pleasantries with all of us. I thought about asking but I knew exactly what Dynamight would say.

What are we doing?

"You mean you don't know?? Some assistant."

The thought pissed me off enough that I scowled at the back of his head.

"So she's your new assistant?" Red Riot asked, glancing at me.

"If you can call her that."

My eye twitched before I fixed my face into a distraught expression.

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