Chapter 13

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A pattern (me posting extra chapters despite promising myself I'd only post on Tuesdays once a week) seems to be being established here but we're gonna ignore that. Here's a chapter on the house!

Given the success of the mission and how those victories were publicized things were looking up for our heroes. The post-mission hype exceeded expectations which made Mr. Yashiro very happy. Since that particular religious group was trying to recruit and advertise in Musutafu it was pretty big news around here. I've seen people ask Dynamight about it which seemed to make him happier. Even better more people feel comfortable requesting Dynamight for backup to catch low-tier villains.

On the marketing side, we've played up the mission and our dedication to the public. We also played up the upcoming Variety Show in a lesser way by highlighting their different contributions to the success of this mission. Everyone's happy. Today, we were on a segment with older more seasoned heroes with the intent of imparting knowledge to the younger generation of heroes. Lots of them had some pretty good advice but one of them, EarthShaker had nothing but criticisms.

"Up until this recent mission, I forgot you guys weren't just celebrities." he joked.

The interviewer awkwardly laughed along but we all knew a jab when we heard one. While that comment dampened the mood, Dynamight surprisingly kept his cool. He didn't even seem phased by it. Which made it weirder that I was the one getting pissed off. Every jab got under my skin and I couldn't wait for this event to be over.

"What's something you appreciate about the current hero culture?" The interviewer asked.

I guess even he's tired of saving the mood.

Earthshaker hummed before answering.

"The gear. It's reduced the amount of disabling injuries that heroes have sustained and led to creative ways to reduce collateral damage. Unfortunately, I do think that's prevented some key skills from being built in this current generation.

The skill of getting injured what the fuck are you talking about?

The host asked for two more questions before we went on break and I felt relieved. I needed a break from being pissed off. I rubbed my temples. Maybe I should take a nap or something. Wouldn't exactly be professional but there isn't a lot of good in being angry either. Dynamight walked over and settled himself beside me. EarthShaker walked off the set and I scowled.

"I can make him piss himself." I said to Dynamight.

Dynamight laughed to the surprise of some of the staff.

"Nah." He said after he calmed down. "You look like you're more upset than I am though. Something happen?"

"Nothing just...nothing."

"Spit it out."

I tried to ignore him but he stared me down until I cracked.

"I just...he keeps poking when he doesn't even know what he's tal-"

"Dynamight." Earthshaker came up and shook his hand.


I stood to the side and tried not to glare at him.

"I heard about your recent success busting a cult. Was this your first undercover mission?" He asked.

"Yea, looking forward to doing that more in the future."

"It's always a little nerve-wracking but you'll get better with time-

What the fuck does THAT mean?? He did great!

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