Chapter 27

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A/N: I didn't realize my company's team lunch was tomorrow which means I'll be in the office all day tomorrow and since I have a work computer I couldn't possibly update until I get home. So you're getting a surprise late-night update! It might suit the chapter anyway.

People are whispering. I knew because they would stop when I got close. People looked at me all day but made no moves to get closer. Probably because Bakugo wouldn't leave my side for more than ten seconds. He tried to give me space but in the corner of my eye, he kept lurking. It made me want to roll my eyes but also made me want to smile and kiss him.

Thanks to that my day was relatively quiet. Normally I'd be going crazy wondering what they were saying or thinking but I actually started playing a game of 'Where will Bakugo be' which was a very welcome distraction. Tonight there was a company outing in celebration of our successful debut. I was still debating if I was going to go or not.

Usually, this would be saved for the end of the entire event but due to how hard people have been working and in the effort to bless the rest of the event, we decided to have a celebration. Plus, there were a lot of good restaurants around here you couldn't get in Musutafu and why would you skip out on company-sponsored local cuisine?

We all filed into one of the hotel conference rooms and sat. Mr. Kakimori walked to the front and for a brief moment, his eyes narrowed on me for a moment before he addressed the group.

"As many of you are aware the debut for This Means War was a huge success!!"

A round of clapping a cheering before he continued

"By no means is our work over but there's no harm in celebrating our hard work thus far. Tonight there will be a company outing. Then tomorrow we get back to work!"

Everyone started talking in excitement. Some hoped for BBQ, and some hoped for chicken. Everyone hoped for a lot of alcohol and some funny stories to tell about the people who will black out. I, on the other hand, was wondering whether I wanted to attend or not. I wasn't sure if the alcohol would make the internal swirl of emotions worse or better.

I went outside of the conference room to get a second to myself and there was Manager Asshat. He looked at me, got that look in his eye and my heart sank a little.

"You're lucky it worked out this time." He said. "But next time I expect you to be a better representative for our company."

He walked away afterward as if he let me off lightly and a brief wave of anger washed over me before I let it go.

Maybe I will drink tonight.

"He said something didn't he?" Bakugo said from behind me

"Of course he did."

He cursed under his breath and turned me around.

"Don't listen to that asshole."

"I'm not."

"It looks like you are."

Pathetic feelings rose and fell within me. I almost reached out to do god knows what but I suppressed it. Being clingy won't help.

"I'll be fine." I said.

He opened his mouth to say something when a group of people left the room. They looked at us and started whispering to each other while hurrying the person in front of them to walk faster. Bakugo flicked my forehead and I glared at him.

"Do not listen to the extras."

"Well the "extras" aren't fucking talking about you now are they."

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