Chapter 10

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A/N: Alright! Here's to a new weekly schedule! I'll update on Tuesdays every week. Enjoy!

After double-checking that I sent all the emails I needed, I finally collapsed on my bed. This past week I had to request a company laptop because I found out the office officially closed at midnight. The janitor screamed and gave me a lecture on work-life balance before demanding I sleep when I got home. To be fair, I didn't blame him. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a half-dead woman staring back.

Today was a PR day. Luckily it was stuff that already had the ball rolling so there wasn't too much for me to do besides be on standby. Dynamight was getting his measurements for TMW. We still haven't decided on the outfit but the designer said having his measurements early on would help. While she advertised it as a quick affair based on previous interactions I made sure to book an hour so she can get whatever she wanted out of her system. As I predicted, she was having him try on a million outfits while chattering about ideas.

"Here." Dynamight said as he plopped a chair down beside me.

He made sure I sat down before continuing to be her living mannequin. While I found it weird, I complied without complaint. I could barely stay on my feet anyway. While they did that, I checked my email to see if anyone got back on the ideas with feedback and responded accordingly. I also wrote down stuff to confirm later while I remembered them. After a while, my phone buzzed with a 15-minute warning for our next appointment.

"Hey. Sorry, we have to go." I said.

"Aw time went by so fast." She pouted. "Well this was good anyway, I'll be sure to have some sample designs by the next visit!"

When we climbed into the car, the driver handed us coffee. I gratefully took it and took a sip. There was definitely enough caffeine in there to kill a small child and I couldn't be more grateful. It happened to be at the exact right temperature too. I sighed into my seat and decided to use the ride to enjoy the coffee. When we got there I went from actual corpse to animator during crunch time. Which believe it or not was a step up.

"Thanks, Tokaji." I said before we left the car.

He glanced at Dynamight for a second before nodding. I looked back to see what he was seeing and Dynamight was already heading to the building. I rolled my eyes. Would a thank you really kill that guy? I closed the door and walked in after him. When I got inside, Dynamight's phone rang and he excused himself to answer it. I'd never heard his phone ring before so I hovered a bit waiting for him to come back. He hung up and paused when he saw me waiting.

"What?" He asked.

"...Is everything good?" I asked cautiously.

"Yea, go sit down." He said pointing at a chair.

I gave him a suspicious look and he just pointed at the chair more forcefully in response.

"...Alright." I relented.

I watched him to see if anything was off but he just looked a little worn which was understandable. My email dinged and Mr. Yashiro approved the idea. Thank fucking god. One down more to go. I sighed in relief to finally be able to check one thing off.

That relief was short-lived because I almost immediately got a message from Mr. Kakimori demanding a PowerPoint to present tomorrow. Apparently, the execs were wondering about the sudden change in plans. I scowled a the screen before resigning myself to my fate. I started writing ideas about what data I needed on my slides so that when I could make the PowerPoint the thinking portion was over with as soon as possible. I sent off emails from the teams on what data I needed and said it was urgent. Let's hope they would get back soonish because this was way too last minute.

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