Chapter 9

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A/N: My A03 peeps have already seen the last chapter (I rewrote this story. It was exclusively on my A03 before and at a much faster pace) and I want them to have some new content. So have a free chapter! On the house!

I groaned rubbing my eyes and laying my head down. I've spent hours sifting through email after email after email. Dynamight, in spite of literally everything, was very fucking popular. The fangirls in particular were in a tizzy over a candid picture of him half-naked while he was fighting a villain recently. I glanced over at the bane of my existence. He was sipping his coffee with begrudging approval on his face. He almost seemed relaxed.

I looked at the sheer amount of information I was sifting through and something internal snapped. On impulse, I started printing out what Dynamight and the agency would need to approve before we sign him up for events. Just before lunch, I quickly shot up and walked over to him with a giant stack of papers to go through.

"The fuck is this?" He asked.

Your problem now.

"You had a problem last time with the questions that were asked during the interview. Therefore, I did some research into these next few clients who also want to interview you. I made a sheet of the usual types of questions they like to ask as well as distinguished them by which ones I figured you'd like, dislike and hate. "

He grimaced at the pile, not saying anything. I was disappointed until I noticed it. His bouncing leg. He stared at the stack of papers again then his eyes flicked to the hallway. Ah. That's what I was looking for. Suffer. I held back a smirk, opting instead for a concerned look.

"Are you alright Dynamight?"

His eyes cut to my perfectly sculpted concerned expression.

"I need to focus." He barked, taking the first sheet off the stack.

I took my leave, allowing my smirk to fully take over as I sat down. I watched him grow increasingly irritated as he went through the interview questions. Then he suddenly started furiously typing. My work chat pinged.

Katsuki: I'll do the damn interview.

Y/N: Are you sure?

He rolled his eyes and typed back a yes with aggression I could feel from here and rushed out to presumably use the bathroom. I smirked. In his rush, Katsuki agreed to probably the worst event he could. An interview with an antagonistic gossip tv show host. He came back visibly relieved, shooting me a tiny glare that I returned with a carefully crafted confused look as he went inside his office. While working here, there are some things I noticed about Dynamight.

Observation 1: He liked a little sugar, cinnamon, and spice in his coffee (I tasted it once since I wasn't really sure what was in it). He seems less likely to do any jabs when he has it.

Observation 2: You can force Dynamight to do something if you pressure him before he needs to use the bathroom. He's also most likely too stubborn to take it back after he's made a decision.

As tempted as I was, I really shouldn't let Dynamight get an interview with that guy. Just imagining the scenario sounded like a PR headache. Especially if he threatened to hurt him. I set aside that email for now and continued working. I gathered a lot of information about the details of the events he requested and sent him an email pertaining to each one. Every time his work computer pinged he got more irritated but he didn't say anything. By the time I walked up to his desk, he looked like he wanted to explode.


"What?" He seethed.

"I wanted to know if there are any clients you would like to outright reject in the future?" I asked.

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