Chapter 17

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A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY FINN!!! Today is my friend's birthday and since they're a fan of this story I decided to upload an extra chapter for the occasion. Theoretically after this, we'll go to the originally intended one-chapter-per-week schedule but lord knows I've been finding reasons to break that rule over and over lmao. Anyway here's the chapter!!

I can't really put my finger on it but he's being weird today.

Thing is, I couldn't tell what I did to warrant this. At first, I thought he was just pissy today. It reminded me of when I was first hired and he would ignore me. But this was different. He never met my eyes and in the few moments he did, he didn't look angry or annoyed. He also wasn't trying to stare me down, he barely glanced at me or stared for too long. It was...odd.

Normally, I'd call it out but shit was BUSY. The events I rescheduled have caught up, the approvals all came in for the variety show and everybody wanted to iron out the details of everything. The phone's been ringing off the hook, emails have been flying in needing either information or redirection. It was madness.

We also had to play catch up with some of the events we rescheduled so needless to say I felt like my brain was melting. While Bakugo modeled, I was making a lot of calls. When I checked back in on progress, things seemed to be still running smoothly thank god. Although I did expect Bakugo to be at the very least irritated by now.

Instead, he was calmly standing there shirtless with Kirishima and Midoriya, not an ounce of trouble brewing on the horizon. When he noticed me he looked away again. I sighed. Seems like that's just how it was gonna be today. We'll cross that bridge later when I'm not swamped. I went into the dressing room to get my water bottle and rubbed my arm a bit to try to stave off the cold. I ran down the list of things we needed to do again and asked Tokaji to plan backway routes to the events around lunch so we could make it on time. 

After a few minutes, the door opened. Bakugo came in, still shirtless, and grabbed his phone. He doesn't usually hang around or look at his phone so there had to be something pretty important he wanted to check on. I was curious about it but he'd tell me if I could help. He stretched with a small groan and I couldn't help but ogle a bit. Even just standing there scrolling you had to give credit where credit was due. His back muscles were insane. And while I was trying my best to stay focused, my eyes kept floating to his waist. I cleared my throat to get my head together and he turned toward me.

"A-Are we on break?" I asked.

How long are you going to stand there half-naked?

He nodded as Kirishima, another distractingly hot but thankfully clothed man, walked in. This break felt like it'd been going on forever already.

"Bakubro!" Kirishima said. "Who're you texting? You don't usually go on your phone."

Oh good, I'm not the only one who noticed.

While they talked I noticed goosebumps on Bakugo's skin. Did they not have a shirt for Bakugo? Or should I have brought one from the car? I checked the notes I put on this event in my calendar and nothing was mentioned about that. Then again it was a small detail. I scanned the room and spotted a pile of shirts in a box against the wall. I picked up one of the bigger staff shirts and tossed it to him.

"I can see you shivering over there." I said.

"Hah? I'm not." He crossed his arms, emphasizing his chest.

Please don't do that.

"Can't hide it from me." I waved him off as I dialed the stylist to double-check the location.

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