Chapter 34

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A/N: For some reason I was convinces today was Tuesday and boy howdy its been a long week y'all

The next day walking into work was the rehearsal for the last episode of This Means War. This event was going to be on water so we needed to make sure all of the safety measures were in place. Since this is the big finale Mr. Kakimori joined us for the walkthrough. Mr. Kakimori climbed in the front and even though I knew it'd be a bad move I was very tempted to hold Bakugo's hand.

When we got on set, the safety crew gave us a tour of all the emergency facilities and we made sure they were clearly marked. As Bakugo and I walked his hand brushed mine a lot. Finally, his pinky wrapped around mine. I smiled and let it happen for a moment before I flicked his hand. Afterward, we did the safety checks on the boat and explored the markers. Mr. Kakimori went off the schmooze and we finally had a few minutes alone.

"It's hard to focus." I said

"Good to know." He smirked.

The memory of our date and the pool flashed in my mind. I quickly looked away and suppressed my reaction.

"You ready for this?" I asked.

"Same as the other stuff." Bakugo shrugged.

"But it's the finale," I said. "No nerves at all?"

"Not a one. I'll actually be glad when it's over." He sighed.

He's been pretty good this far but I could tell he misses hero work deeply. Hero work had a high risk of causing "production delaying activities" so none of them could even glance at hero work for this past month.

"That's fair." I said. "I'm gonna miss the costumes though."

"I'll wear a costume if you wear that dress you showed me. No leggings this time." He said.

"I get the feeling I wouldn't be wearing it for long if I did that."

"Wouldn't even make it out the door."

I rolled my eyes. Then I decided to tease him a bit with a fun fact.

"I did buy that dress though." I said. "Should come in today."

"Mr. Dynamight! Can you come here, please?"

"We're talking about that dress later." Bakugo leaned in to say before he left.

I laughed and watched him walk over to the staff member who called for him. I looked at his jawline, the way he stood, his hands, his body. It was still unbelievable to me. I've got some ideas for the next date. Someone tapped my shoulder and I saw Mr. Kakimori standing there with as stern look in his eye.

"Miss Y/N, can you please come with me?" He said.

My mood immediately dropped. I sighed and followed him to a more secluded area away from the staff.

"I would like to be frank with you." He said.

Yea I figured the yelling thing would catch up to me eventually,

"Alright." I said.

"I need you to remember why you were signed onto this contract."


He sat there as if he was waiting for an answer.

"To...assist Dynamight with his PR events right?" I said.

"And?" He said.

I hesitated, suddenly a little less sure of where this was going. He sighed dramatically as if dealing with a toddler.

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