Chapter 7

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A/N: So part of the reason I'm posting so quickly is because I previously wrote these chapters on A03 and they're slightly modified to fit the new pacing. I feel like it's a little unfair to make people who have already read that wait for the same content so....yea! After this chapter though it's mainly new content so chapters will come out a lot slower. 

Katsuki?? Is there a Katsuki at our workplace?

I mentally went through all of my coworkers' names before the lightbulb went off.

Oh yea, Dynamight's first name

Well, I can say she's original at the very least. Dynamight's government name has basically been scrubbed from public records the second he became a pro. His major claim to fame before then was his showing out at the UA festival and even then he was an individual in a sea of names and at best a meme. After that well, society went through a rough patch. We didn't care about the UA festival at that point.

So the fact she knew his name either meant she was a super stalker or she actually knew him...and they were close. Before I could message Dynamight about it though, I got a text from Deku's assistant Ayumi.


I'm running late so I didn't have time to get Deku's coffee order >.<;

Can you please get it, he passes by your agency on his patrol!

He'll brush it off but could barely keep his eyes open.


I texted her that I'd get it and rushed out of the door. I arrived at the usual coffee shop a little earlier than usual and the barista looked at me in surprise when I ordered an extra coffee.

"It's for a friend of my boss'" I said.

"He's having you fetch his friend's coffee too." She said with disdain.

"No this is actually a favor for his friends' assistant. She's helped me out a couple of times so I wanted to return the favor." I said.

"Oh! Nice to know he isn't a total bully I guess." She laughed. "Who is your terrifying boss anyway?"

"Ah....I'll tell you if I get fired."

"I'm holding you to that." She said as she handed me the two coffees.

I waved as I left the shop and speed walked to the agency. In the nick of time, I was able to catch Deku waiting by the entrance for Dynamight. His posture was super slumped and there were deep bags under his eyes. He spotted me, straightened up, and put on a bright smile that I returned.

"Hi!" I said.

"Hey, how are you? Was the morning commute okay?" He asked.

"Yup! I actually slept a lot yesterday so I got up earlier than usual." I said cheerfully.

"That's good!"

"Speaking of sleep, I heard you might need a pick-me-up today." I said as I held out the coffee.

He blinked in surprise and smiled sheepishly.

"That obvious?" He sighed then took a sip.

"You look like the living dead man." I laughed.

"Oh wow, you like this flavor too? It happens to be my favorite although it seems like there's more expresso than usual."

"I figured you'd need extra shots based on what Ayumi said."

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