Chapter 39

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A/N: I'm always super hesitant to like...put specifics in a chapter because I don't want to ruin immersion but I wanted our Y/N to go through a little fashion show and I wanted to show off some tiktok creators that I think are absolutely stunning. So...yea I hope you like this chapter.

I felt pretty well-rested when I got back to work. Unfortunately business as usual started and since the event was a hit, there were more companies that wanted to work with Dynamight. Which meant more research, calls, bookings, and shuffling of meetings. Luckily though, our existing companies believed in us and our success and filled out his schedule for the next month. I also snuck in some hero missions that were extended and collaborative so that his schedule physically couldn't be shoved with more events in the near future. One of which he was going to start tomorrow.

All of this gave me time to do my research and try to find out more about my transfer and do some pre-work so I can hit the ground running in my new department. My name is pretty known so I'll have to keep being competent, unfortunately. I've also been thinking about my work in general. I want to be with Katsuki and I don't necessarily hate my job (now). Honestly, I just hate Mr. Kakimori and how much work he pushes on me. If I could be transferred to another hero within the agency that would solve all of my problems in one fell swoop. Maybe I should talk to someone about the next steps. Preferably someone with more power than Mr. Kakimori.

Today was a little different in that we were going to the support agency to refine his hero outfit. I was out of my element so I let Katsuki handle most of it and watched him so I'd know for next time. They talked about how to improve his suit and design, how quickly things broke down etc. I wrote it down in my notebook when we arrived at a reinforced room. He walked inside and the support staff settled themselves at a monitor. I stood behind them, waiting for what was to happen next.

"Alright, Dynamight you can start."

The second, those words left her mouth Bakugo shot up in a barrage of explosions and maneuvers. I kept calm but the display of power was intimidating. Hypnotic. Even beyond this reinforced glass, it was so loud, and once again it hit me he was a hero. In the brief moments, I could see him beyond the smoke a feral smile graced his face. He looked so happy to be doing this. Maybe I should look into places he could apply to that would let him do what he wants to do.

"Alright, thank you Dynamight." The woman said.

He landed and exited the room. Even the way he landed had weight. His chest heaved and fell as he caught his breath. Sweat ran down his stunning face onto his neck. The muscles in his arms rippled as he did some stretches for his arms to loosen them up more. His shirt didn't quite settle leaving a peek of his v-line as he walked out of the room. He went over to a monitor where the engineers were examining the results. I, in a totally normal fashion, followed him from behind. I peeked at the numbers and graphs on the screen but it was all gibberish to me especially now since my brain wasn't really focused on trying to learn anything new.

"You're drooling sweetheart." He said in a low voice.

"You would too if I was sweaty and half naked."

"Half naked is a t-shirt and sweatpants?" He raised his eyebrow.

"Yea, harlot."

"Oh yea? Slut me out then."

I made a small distressed noise in the back of my throat and he cackled, drawing the attention of some of the support team. They quickly went back to the numbers explaining the changes they were going to make based on the data. By the end of the conversation, I felt like I could understand about 10% of what they were talking about which was a step up. I'll probably do some research when I get back to the office. They agreed on the modifications and we headed back to the car. Katsuki put on a jacket despite the relatively warm weather. I gave him a look and he snickered.

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