Chapter 52

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Kaminari left to talk to the people at the front and I tried to strain to listen but aside from a few murmurs, I was basically left with the sounds of other people complaining about being detained. I tried to relax. Worrying won't help my case or get me out of here. I did some slow breaths to try to calm down. When the panic finally died down enough for me to be able to use my quirk I heard a door slam, sending me right back into anxiety mode.

"Where is she?!"

That's Katsuki...

A little surge of hope and comfort trickled through the adrenaline spike at hearing him make a fuss.

"Dynamight please-"

"On what grounds are you even keeping her here?!" He seethed while hitting something.

"She's assaulted a young woman-"

"Oh, here we fucking go. This again? That woman" He hissed. "Is a crazy fucking bi-"

"Bakubro we have to be calm-"

"Be calm? When these idiots-"

"I shouldn't have texted you." Kaminari sighed. "He's right though like I've been saying-"

"I just saw the text!" A voice that sounded like Deku said breathlessly as the doors opened one more time.

I felt something slither over my hand, my body instinctively tried to jerk my arm back, thinking it was a rat but my hand was tied down. I looked back and saw a vine.

"I feel like I gave you enough chances..." I from beyond the bars of my cell.

When my head turned toward the voice, a vine wrapped around my neck and slammed my head into the ground. The breath was knocked out of my lungs and my voice came out as a weak cry. I tried to speak but couldn't, it felt like something was knocked loose in my head. Everything seemed surreal Kaiya stood outside of the cell glaring down at me with a livid expression.

"He wasn't enough?" She hissed. "You had to pull others into this too?"

The vines wrapped themselves around my mouth muffling my weak cries for help. I could barely catch my breath as the vines slowly wrapped around my body. I couldn't fully tell what was happening but I was definitely sinking. Panic was setting in and my head throbbed with each increasing wave of adrenaline.

"Sir, we have evidence, you don't. Take us to her before I bring the head of the division into this.." Deku said sternly.

Please somebody come back here!

"She's arrested for assault." The officer said at the same time that the other one said "She assaulted a young woman."

She's literally attacking ME RIGHT NOW!

"You keep fucking repeating that and we keep telling you-!" Katsuki yelled.

"Look at how hard he's defending scum like you. Yet you're cheating on him with his friends?" Kaiya seethed with disgust.

What the fuck is she even talking about?!

"I watched the way Chargebolt defended you. Like you were very very precious to him." She said, squatting down closer to me. "He even admitted he liked you."

I started to hyperventilate as dirt started to fill my peripheral. My neck was covered at this point. I won't be able to breathe soon.

This crazy bitch is burying me alive....

I'm pretty sure that's not even allowed in war what the fuck.

She pressed up against the bars, her body splitting into greenery and reforming inside the cage so she could watch me sink. I saw myself struggling in the reflection of her gaze and I had a sinking feeling she was dead serious about killing me. Her eyes widened and she looked back before letting out a horrible screech as an explosion erupted behind her.

This Means War [Bakugo x Chubby Reader]Where stories live. Discover now