Chapter 37

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We walked to his office in silence. Katsuki seemed pretty relaxed while I was actively trying to make myself sweat less. When we got into his office he sat in his chair and sighed. I closed the door behind us because I was pretty sure I didn't want anyone to hear what was going to happen next. Mr. Kakimori took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose like he needed to collect his thoughts.

"How long has this been going on?" He said.

"Officially dating? Since yesterday." Katsuki said.

His eyes sliced over to me, disapproval clear as day.

"Dynamight. We hired her so this exact thing wouldn't happen." He said glaring at me.

"I heard." Dynamight said, his voice dropping a few notes.

"Just to be sure...there isn't any...foul play? Going on here?" He said, narrowing his eyes.

Before I could respond, Katsuki sneered and snapped his fingers to get Mr. Kakimori to finally look at him.

"In my experience, you don't have to force someone to date you. That could just be me though."

I held back a smile. Mr. Kakimori's eye twitched before he straightened up in his seat. He put back on his glasses and looked between the two of us. His eyes lingered on me a bit as he did some mental calculations.

"I understand you two are young and have...strong feelings right now but this sort of move will inconvenience a lot of people." He huffed. "She has to change departments and then we either have to move another asset internally or hire a brand new one which will take a lot of time."

"We're not breaking up." Katsuki said bluntly.

He looked like he wanted to debate that point but chose (smartly) not to. Mr. Kakimori looked at me with disdain, tapping his finger on the desk while he considered his options. We could lie and say we'd break up but I don't think anyone would buy it. Plus the last thing I need is to give him an excuse to harass me about my personal life.

"We won't let it get in the way. Even when we were on bad terms we managed to get things done." Kastuki offered in vain.

We both knew I couldn't stay his employee after exposing this. I sighed. Katsuki wouldn't act like he did before if they kept the modified schedule. Although now, I think he'd just direct his anger at Mr. Kakimori as best as he could. However, Mr. Kakimori would most likely take this as a chance to boss around a new girl and train her to do what he wants regardless of Katsuki's wants. This brings us back to square one.

"We don't have a choice. It's an HR issue to keep her here." He said.

I'm going to regret this.

"I could train whoever comes in." I said. "By handing off the duties I have to her we can minimize the risk of throwing off our business relationships. I can also start handling the schedule and calls for whoever I might be re-assigned to."

Mr. Kakimori's finger stopped tapping. He took in my offer and adjusted himself. I guess my answer was satisfactory.

"I expect that nothing will suffer during this transition. You will produce results at the same rate as you have been and you will train the replacement. Is that clear?"

"Hold on. She's doing double the work. The hell do you mea-"

"Crystal." I said quickly before he could change his mind."Thank you sir."

I quickly grabbed onto Katsuki so he could follow me out. Once we were far enough, I sighed, finally relaxing my shoulders.

"That was bullshit." He said.

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