Chapter 47

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Katsuki POV

I immediately pulled Shiori over to the side as I watched Y/N numbly walk to her desk.

"Did you do this?"

"No, I didn't." She said yanking her arm away. "I didn't even know you guys did that. Which by the way, was a very fucking dumb move." She hissed.

"Then who-"

"You fucking know who. That crazy bitch Kaiya." Shiori said. "She must've been stalking you guys long before we picked up on it."

I tried to recall every detail of that night. I was so focused on the fucking swimsuit that I couldn't even remember the hotel name let alone minor details. Then it hit me. The cat that suddenly ran out of the bushes. It didn't seem to be chasing anything, just running. It must've been then. Fuck. I cursed under my breath and ran a hand through my hair.

"I can't fucking pummel him even though he said the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever heard."

"Nothing we can do." Shiori sighed. "The best course of action is she bites the bullet and moves on. Fighting this will just make things worse."

"Fuck that. Who's to say she won't keep pulling this shit."

"What are you gonna do Go to the board of directors and say "keep the girl Im fucking working here?" There's only so many times that'll work. Quite frankly you being so blunt only worked last time because of the gap and how a large part of what she accomplished that had nothing to do with you."

My first instinct was to say fuck it but after the harsh lesson I learned recently the last thing I wanted was to make things worse for her. Shiori crossed her arms. I watched her pace back and forth. I recognized that calculating look.

"What are you thinking?" I demanded,

"It might make things worse. But it might be a way out depending on what we find."

"I'd rather take the risk."

"Yeah but am I?" She said. "This plan hurts me way more than it hurts you."

"If we don't do anything, I'll be the one to take you down." I growled.

"Try it pretty boy. You don't have the social finesse to pull that off." She waved me off.

She put a hand to her chin, thinking it through some more.

"Here's what we're going to do. You're gonna buy us dinner." She said finally.



I've always wanted to try drinking away the sadness to see if it actually worked. On the bright side, today was a perfect occasion to test that theory. Unfortunately, it didn't really help, it just made me sadder. It might be better with company to help me vent but I was so ashamed of this whole ordeal I couldn't face anyone. How do I say I lost my job because my "image" a.k.a fatness had a super nonzero chance of ruining Dynamight's reputation? If it wasn't so fundamentally fucked up, it'd be funny.

I looked at the menu to order another overpriced drink. I knew this wasn't the best financial decision. I should probably save every single penny. But I needed time to be devastated. I needed time to lick my wounds. I can be responsible later. Another wave of shame washed over me. What the hell was I going to tell my mom? I'm sure she'd say I could come home. I'm sure she wouldn't be angry with me. I'm sure she'd comfort me and tell me it's alright but...fuck I loved giving her a reason to be proud of me.

I loved being known as her successful daughter instead of her fat daughter.

I cradled my stomach and closed my eyes.

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