Chapter 16

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A/N: MOMENTO GOT 100K VIEWS ON WATTPAD AND IM SO FREAKING EXCITED Y'ALL!! I also started my new job (my team is so sweet and supportive!) and secured some cool seeming roommates for next year!! Things are looking up for ya girl!!

It's the mystery guy.

I stopped my walk to make sure it was him. Black hair. Check. Thick lashes. Check. Insanely clear skin that I'm really jealous of? Check. He's also wearing a similar band t-shirt to last time so I don't think it'd be far-fetched to say it's him. Plus not a lot of guys like that around.

He scanned the hot sauces, looking for a specific one. He stood with easy confidence I envied and his body...well it was obvious he was active. I rocked back and forth on my ankles. I got a movie to catch....but I also wanted to talk to him again. Before I could second-guess myself, I went inside the grocery store and tapped his shoulder. His eyes widened when he saw me and I smiled at him.

"Hey, remember me?" I asked.

"The girl who should get scouted by the national baseball team? Yea, I remember." He said with a small smile.

Okay, just be casual.

"So, I wanted to watch this movie. Do you want to come with? If you're busy I understand that too." I added quickly at the end.

"What movie?" He asked.

I looked up the latest thriller and handed him my phone. He debated for a moment then smiled.

"We should buy some snacks to sneak in then."

We split up as he headed to a different aisle. I picked out the candy I wanted and decided I was pretty determined to get popcorn at the theater. Vague thoughts of this feeling like a date floated around. I'm sure that wasn't the case since this was our second time meeting but I let myself be happy anyway. Date or no date, I'm pretty happy I found him again.

Then I heard an all too familiar sound that felt like cold water dripping down my spine. Snickering, laughter, and hushed whispers. My heart pounded in my ears. I closed my eyes hoping I was paranoid for a moment. I took a deep breath and turned toward the sound.

The group of guys quickly looked away, chuckling to themselves, obviously avoiding my gaze. Suddenly the candy held in my hands felt like it was covered in acid. I put it back and walked until I was out of sight. I held myself for a moment deep breaths.

They're just assholes. I vowed to enjoy today no matter what. I'm keeping my promise.

After a few more moments, I returned to where the guy was. Their laughter echoed in my ear and whispers of what people would say if I stood next to him played in my mind. We didn't match. I knew that. I'm still going to enjoy today anyway. He turned, looked at my empty hands and his brows wrinkled.

"You don't want any snacks?" He asked.

"I uh...decided I don't really need em." I said with a waning smile.

He quirked his brow but decided not to say anything. I heard some whispers behind me and imagined more pointing and laughing. Stares that feel like bugs crawling over my skin. Luckily these whispers were a little different. It wasn't ridicule. I glanced up just in time to see one of the girls in a group walk toward us. She brushed past me and approached him.

"Hey! Can I have your number? I'd love for us to go out sometime." She asked, tucking her hair behind her ear.

I stepped back to let her have space. He barely spared her a glance and even that brief moment was annoyed. This must happen a lot for him to be so done with it. Still felt sorry for her though. She stood there frozen as if she wasn't really expecting this reaction. He frowned at me, specifically the space between us, and pulled me almost flush against him.

This Means War [Bakugo x Chubby Reader]Where stories live. Discover now