Chapter 29

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A/N: Tomorrow is going to be...A LOT and so is Monday. So to give future me some serotonin I'll publish this chapter early! Leave lots of comments please~!

I couldn't really pay attention to the audience's reaction but the buzz once the episode was released was incredible. Once again, more art, more gushing about costumes, and surprisingly the princess looks were focused on too. Actually, I'd say people were even more excited about this episode than the last one because they could put themselves in the role of the damsel. I was a little worried about appearing on tv but it seems that people really honed in on Bakugo rather than me. His flirty posture and expression at the end along with him blushing afterward was a big hit. A HEAVILY clipped moment. A lot of people edited themselves over me.

Luckily no one is really putting two and two together. And since I wasn't supposed to be the "penalty" even if they dug deeper there would be someone else's name there on the paperwork. I was a quick stand-in since the original girl got stuck somewhere. I didn't do it around anyone else but I looked up pictures of Bakugo's outfit. A lot. I wonder if the next outfit would be something similar. Thank god everyone else screenshot and gif'd it. I'll never admit to Bakugo but several clips are saved on my phone at the moment.

I couldn't enjoy the success much though because I was too busy trying to investigate the Kaiya thing. When Miyuki called, I opted not to tell her anything. We never slept together but it's not like we're just coworkers. I decided to work at the beach since I'd mainly just be calling and emailing. Plus, the last place I wanted to be stuck at was the hotel. I figured chilling outside on a chair under an umbrella would ease the blow if I found anything I didn't like.

I checked Dynamight's calendar and skimmed over the email interactions Ebi sent when I started working there. Nothing. Not that it was super likely I'd discover anything there. Then I called Ms. Ebi and asked since she didn't really seem like the gossiping type. She said pretty much the same thing as Miyiku and Akira—no new information. I sighed. Shiori had been oddly silent this whole time also. And asking other people was risky because I'm sure things looked pretty iffy right now with the....everything that's happened on this trip. The absolute last thing I wanted to do was fuel the rumor mill. After another dead end, I sat up.

Fuck it.

Why beat around the bush?

I picked up my phone.


Hey where are you?


At the boardwalk.

Dunce Face demanded souvenirs.


Which store? I'll meet you there

He texted me the store name and I looked up the directions. Not too far of a walk. I threw everything into my bag and headed toward the address. After getting turned around a couple of times, I was finally close. Just before I reached the store someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and it was Kaiya. The literal last person I wanted to see.

"Can we talk?" She asked.


"Sure." I said.

She guided us over to a froyo place nearby and sat us down. She hesitated for a minute before speaking.

"Is there anything between you and Katsuki?" She asked.

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