Chapter 45

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My phone has been ringing less and less. Less emails too despite the fact I was escorting Bakugo to an unholy amount of events day in and day out. I would always double check but I would just see stuff Mr. Kakimori added to my calendar rather than be able to control the schedule myself. I'd call and they'd say that it was already decided.

Luckily I noticed a little loophole that worked.

Legally, hero duties supersede PR events. Heroes are categorized as public servants first, money making machines second. So in an attempt to try to give Katsuki a break from all this running around I booked the entire day with hero work by asking Shouto's agency to do a request for Katsuki. Regardless of the Todoroki drama they still have a lot of pull in the industry so it'd be hard to argue.

While I fully expected to get chewed out for this later, I wanted to try to give Katsuki some reprieve. And it was childish of me but I pretended to have outside meetings all day. He couldn't exactly see the details on my calendar and it wasn't out of the norm for me so it should work. I decided to pull a Katsuki and get a disguise. While I don't think I looked unrecognizable, it'd be way better than someone from work seeing me play hooky.

I told Tokaji he could just drive around and I walked to some places I've been wanting to check out. I explored a fake grocery store that had a maze entrance behind one of the freezers. Then I tried a cafe I've been wanting to go to. Then sat in a park and enjoyed the sunshine. It was really nice especially since it was essentially a paid day off.

After a little while, there was a strange vibration that got stronger as the seconds went by. Lines trailed from the distance that looked like railroad tracks made of shadows. I quickly shuffled back and heard something huge barreling closer. Explosions were catching up to the chugging.

Just to be safe I just went across the street and prayed it was a safe distance. Seconds later, A shadow train barreled through the park with Katsuki and Kaminari in tow. Kaminari hopped off Katsuki and landed on the train, releasing a huge electric shock. The train fell to the side where I was sitting on the bench. The shadow dissipated into an unconscious man.

"Of course the day you sneak out there's a bunch of action." Kaminari said as he stretched.

"I almost wonder if she planned it that way." Katsuki said. "She's been stressing about making me feel like a hero alot."

"You guys are so cute."

"Shut it."

Should I say hi?

My stuff is still over there. I hope it's not damaged.

Kaminari looked around as he called the police and spotted me.

"Is this bag yours?" He asked, holding up a purse.


Katsuki grabbed the purse and blasted himself over incoming traffic. I stepped back as he landed in front of me, holding it out. I grabbed it with a small thank you and he narrowed his eyes at me.


I pursed my lips and quirked his brow with a smirk playing on his lips.

"You stalking me?" He asked.

"I made a very conscious effort not to stalk you thank you very much. Not my fault that maniac barreled through my favorite park." I said. "Shadow train is one hell of a quirk though."

I'm gonna miss that bench. I hope they rebuild it soon.

"Don't compliment the villain."

"I see cool, I say cool." I said.

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