
2.5K 139 186

Hey everyone .

How are you all doing ?

I have thought a lot before finally telling you all this , as you all must already know I am just 18 years old and soon going to turn 19 in 3 days .

I admit that I am not great in writing , you may find many grammatical mistakes in my writing . And I am very grateful for some of my readers who doesn't hesitate to correct me .

In August 2023 I guess I have started writing " destined by fate " . The story idea and plot was in my mind since I started reading taekook fics here on wattpad . But never got the courage to actually write .

But after thinking a lot I started writing , to give it a try , to see if readers will like it or not .

And I am very grateful for those who supported me since the start when destined by fate didn't even have 50 reads .

But here we are now , I still can't believe that "destined by fate" reached 145k reads and 8k+ votes .

There are now hundred's of people who loves my writing .

The problem is please don't follow me only to unfollow after few days . I am not sad that my followers are decreasing but it's just that it demotivates me a lot  .

I feel like maybe those who unfollow me don't like my writing / fics . It makes me think , maybe I should stop writing .

You all may have noticed how I started updating only twice a month and this is the reason for it , the demotivation .

You know I have been trying to write since few days , but many people are un-following me since 3-4 days which doesn't help my anxiety , my insecurity that maybe destined by fate isn't a good fic ...

And I am disappointed about votes too , 2k people are reading my single chapter , yet votes are only below 150 . This too demotivate me .

You all tell ....

My writing is worth enough to read or not ?????

Sorry for the rant , but this thing is bugging me from last month 😔

My decision to write further or not depends solely on you bun's , tell me what should I do ?

Destined by fate 💜Where stories live. Discover now