Twenty One ♡

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Jimin watched as Yoongi slowly moved in front of Jimin. He'd known that would set off a bomb, instigate something he might not be prepared to see through. The problem was Jimin couldn't stand feeling distrust toward the members. He couldn't just keep his mouth shut at their perceived betrayal.

"Liars? How so?" The threat in Yoongi's soft voice raised the tiny hairs along the back of Jimin's neck.

"I'm not in love with Tae, Master." Saying it this time, out loud, at Yoongi's mercy, finally stabbed the thought through him.

He'd been in love with Tae for a very long time before they'd ever done anything about it. More than best friends, almost lovers more times than he could count. Then casual sex had grown into him wanting a whole life with Tae, seeing a long beautiful future.

Now Tae saw that with Jin, maybe he'd never seen it with Jimin at all. It was a razor blade suddenly, a slice at a wound that was already torn open by Irene.

"That upsets you?" Yoongi was steering the focus, moving things away from the lie and into him facing the situation.

"The lie upsets me." Jimin shifted it back and was rewarded with the harsh blow across the front of his thighs.

"Master. You will show respect pup."  The pain was welcome, for a second it dulled the ache in his chest. He wanted more of that sensation.

"So you don't love him anymore. Who cares? You woke up and thought you did, now you remember you don't. Problem solved. We didn't lie to harm you, don't create drama where there was none." Yoongi stroked against his thigh with the rough edge of leather, his words were dismissive and made Jimin stiffen.

"No, Master, it's not just that easy. The five of you manipulated my memories. Years of them."

Jimin could see Yoongi fighting with this information, his desire to end the scene. He watched wordlessly as Yoongi paced out of view, he might have ruined everything. What he actually needed wasn't for his hyung to apologize. He wanted release from the emotions twisting him into pieces and now he might have prevented even getting that.

"I already told you what happened. You either accept that version or I'm ending the scene. I'm in no mood for your attitude." Yoongi walked into view once more, his gaze hardened and the leather paddle exchanged for a wooden one.

"I'm sorry Master." Jimin dropped his chin toward his chest, he wanted this violence more than he wanted an explanation.

"Good. Now tell me where you went today." The paddle crashed against Yoongi's palm and the sound was perfect, he imagined it against his ass or thighs.

"I went no where, all over Seoul in the back of a car, Master." His lie was reward with three vicious blows against his ass that stole the air from his body.

The burning was exquisite, shocks of pain that bled down his legs. Discomfort that tightened the muscles in his stomach. It was exactly what he wanted when he'd called Yoongi from the prison restroom.

"Try again."

"I went shopping. I thought it would cheer me up, Master." Another lie he decided to try on, Yoongi knew he loved to shop, did he still love to shop?

More blows, some harsher than others, but so many that Jimin was moaning and not keeping count. Some hit him against his ass, some lower at the edge where his leg began. A few were even at this thighs which made his knees weak.

"Your game is boring. Tell me why if you went shopping you'd need to keep it from everyone and not answer your phone, pup." Yoongi appeared before him holding out the paddle which had half of the back of his body clenched in a firestorm of pain.

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