Thirty Five

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Jimin spent over an hour telling Hobi in great detail about everything he'd learned from both trips to Irene's prison and his visit with Taemin. Sometimes it almost seemed as if Hobi wistfully wanted to believe what he'd said, while other times he adamantly refused to accept Jimin words.

"Let's say she's alive, which I entirely doubt, how do we know she wants to be saved?" Hobi's face was a mask, as if he was trying to be reasonable, but below it Jimin could tell he found the thought to be stomach twisting.

"Irene wouldn't have chosen a buyer based on morals, she wouldn't have vetted his ability to be reasonable and care for her properly. She wanted a thrill, it wasn't just money motivated. If anything she would have sought out the most atrocious dom she could find because it would be a rush." Jimin felt each word sickly sweet on his tongue like a poison imaging sweet Jjille trapped by such a monster.

"You talk like harming her sister was intentional." Hobi looked away, the sun was fully in the sky out Jimin's bedroom window, the day breaking out whether he was ready or not.

"The fucked up thing is that she wouldn't care one way or another what happened once Jji was sold." He turned his back on the radiance that danced across the glass panes highlighting Hobi like the sunshine people called him.

"You expect me to believe her own sister meant nothing more to her than a monetary exchange?" Hobi frowned from his spot on the chair by the window, he'd not stayed perched against the desk long. The long withering descriptions and constantly having to ask Jimin to back track to keep up had exhausted him.

"She tried to kill Y/N, I think giving her sister away to a sadistic asshole isn't that much of a stretch." Jimin shook his head, saying her name washed misery into his veins, he tried to picture the video again. Sweeter memories, happier times, even if they'd been brief.

"I insist on Yoongi coming tonight." Hobi was already pulling his cell from his pocket and Jimin was on his feet to stop him.

"No, I don't want to explain all of this to anyone else. Every time I repeat it I feel crazier." Jimin swiped the phone and held it behind his back. It wasn't lost on him how childish the maneuver appeared.

"I'll explain everything, you don't even need to be there, we'll pick you up when you have the details." Hobi rolled his eyes, the ever impatient dance teacher but Jimin wasn't moved. He stepped closer to the bed Hobi's phone still protectively hidden.


"I can't keep you in line on my own. You don't listen to me." Hobi held his hand out and Jimin ignored him.

"See?" Another eye roll and Jimin sighed handing the phone back.

"I'm not going through this again. If he can't just accept what you tell him then leave him behind." Jimin shrugged and headed for the bathroom, he needed a shower and hoped when he was done Hwasa would have the details he needed.


Yoongi walked in first, his body pausing in the doorway of Hwasa's apartment far longer than Jimin wanted. He pushed down the urge to nudge him forward but Hobi's grip on Jimin's wrist kept him from rushing forward. Finally he stepped in, Changbin had answered the door and motioned the three of them toward the living room without speaking.

Jimin wasn't unfamiliar with the space, he had vague memories of coming here for parties. The rooms were sparse but inherently feminine. Hwasa sat on a creamy colored couch with two women he didn't recognize. Changbin returned and knelt at her side on the floor. There were three other people sitting on a second couch but he couldn't recognize them from the backs of their heads.

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