Fifty Two ♡

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Jimin flopped onto his couch then immediately regretted the move, the tight muscles of his thighs protesting upon impact. It was almost noon, he'd only been home an hour, finally falling asleep curled up to Yoongi at nearly six that morning. By the time he'd taken a shower and dressed in loose sweatpants that brought him the least amount of agony, a PA had dropped off a temporary burner phone.

He held it now smiling as he pulled up his messages and sent one to his phone number. Jimin didn't really expect her to answer right away, he had no idea when she was able to access his phone and when she wasn't, but just knowing he had the power to connect with her gave him waves of happiness.

PJM: Hi Angel, I already miss you like crazy, I hope you rested well last night and today is a good day

He almost deleted the cheesy message but then sent it anyway. He didn't need to be cool or aloof with her. If anything he wanted to tell her how much he loved her and how he knew that no matter what happened from this moment on their souls were combined. Jimin rolled his eyes at himself, he didn't send that message but he knew he'd tell her the first chance he got. Maybe he shouldn't feel that way given everything that had happened with Yoongi, but it didn't seem to influence or change the intensity of his assurance that Y/N was everything to him.

Jimin quickly sent his temporary number to Hobi who dropped him into the group chat again. It had been painfully quiet the last few months, but as he scrolled he saw it had been raucously active the last twelve hours. He rolled his eyes seeing his and Joonie's messages, appearing to be typed by them but clearly Kook and Y/N. Everyone seemed really pleased to speak to them, he guessed they probably had side conversations as well.

YN: Half the day is gone!

Jimin laughed and hit the video chat icon holding the phone up to his face as hers appeared. His cheeks throbbed with how hard he smiled, his eyes closing until he had to force himself to relax so he could see her properly.

"You're so beautiful Angel."

"Don't try to flatter me because you slept in all day." Jimin could tell she was teasing, her own smile giving away that she wasn't in the least annoyed with him in reality.

"I love you." Jimin wanted to reach through the phone and drag her toward him, his heart literally aching with the distance.

"I love you too Jagiya, how was last night? I was worried but Hobi said it went well and he left you at Yoongi's and I shouldn't worry." Her face showed how worried she was still, some of the happiness bleeding from her eyes as she looked at his face.

"It wasn't pleasant, but Hobi brilliantly managed to reel in one of the people we needed to connect with. He's a very good leader, I had nothing to worry about." Jimin skated around the truth, it wasn't that he'd said anything untrue, he'd just brushed over his real feelings.

"Hobi said you were the brilliant one, that he'd managed to speak to the guy, but you were the one who captivated his attention. That in fact everyone was very enamored with you." Her lips held a smile, one that said she didn't blame them and that she was a little bit enamored with him too. He recognized the look because he'd seen it on the faces of Army for years.

"I guess I figured I'd make the humiliation worth it, I don't think I have the tolerance to continue pretending being Hobi's sub for months on end party after party. The thought of getting dragged to that place again makes my skin crawl, I don't know why Bang Chan goes willingly and enjoys it." Jimin sighed leaning his head back against the couch, he didn't really want to have this discussion, but it wasn't fair to shut her out either. That wasn't something he could anymore.

"He said he punished you, used a cane." She practically whispered the words, her face a grimace and he tried to smile.

"It was bad but I've had worse, if anything Hobi held back. I've seen and experienced much worse at his hands." Jimin pointed the phone at his thighs, they looked better than the previous day, the only real markings left were the purplish bruise it their neat line on each.

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