Sixty Four

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"You tricked me!" Eunwoo's words were a livid shriek, Jimin almost had the urge to cover his ears at the shrill tone erupting from her.

"That's entrapment, without the knowledge that they were alive this wasn't a fair interview! You withheld important information!" Her lawyer exploded, less piercingly than Eunwoo, but equally fervently.

"If Eunwoossi had been a little less narcissistic and inquired about her cousin, and Kookie, I mean, Jeon Jungkook, then we'd have happily told her they were recovered from the river as well. I can't recall a single moment she showed a lick of concern for them though. It's definitely not entrapment like you claim because at no point did the police departments or NIS make any comment on their current states." Detective Chang was grinning, pleased with his work over the last months he'd dropped to much more casual language and formality.

"The press reported them dead!" Eunwoo balled her fists, forgetting that her best course of action should be terrified of her cousin who supposedly tried to kill her. Anything except angry they weren't dead.

"The press also reported that last week Wonho was dating the mayor of Gangnam which to my knowledge doesn't even have a mayor, so what is your point?" Chang was turning toward the door signaling to everyone else the conversation had reached it's current stopping point. No doubt there would be many more sessions as they worked at getting some version of the truth from her pretty little mouth.

Kook and Y/N didn't say a word, they stepped back into the room and Jimin gathered them both into a wordless tight hug. She buried her face against his neck and Jimin could feel her tears against his skin. He kissed her temple and didn't even flinch when Kookie closed around her protectively .

"You don't want to say anything to her?" Jimin whispered gently against her ear, his hand stroking down her back soothingly.

"There were hundreds of things I wanted to say, I've been practicing them for weeks, but I can't!" Her little crying sounds were heartbreaking and he kissed her again gently.

"You don't have to say anything to her, Angel. You cut her down in the worst way without a single syllable." He squeezed her tighter and looked over their shoulders to Joon and nodded once. His leader read his mind, easily, because his hands went around Kookie and then the four of them turned toward the door.

"We're taking them home." Jimin said it toward Director Kim and Chang, their faces changed to one of protest immediately.

"BTS, and Y/N are leaving. Anything further will need to be scheduled." Joon's voice was deep and crisp and he raised a brow, all eight of them filing out of the room without another peep from NIS or the police department. Jimin admired the way Joon could slip into the role of leader without even thinking after doing it for so long.

In the office area a bit of chaos erupted as police officers recognized them, specifically Kookie. Even if their department hadn't announced it, to Korea BTS Jungkook was dead, it was confirmed in their eyes without an official statement. The shock of seeing him, clearly not dead was on their faces but they hadn't made any movement toward them. Joon corralled them into a group before the lobby and lifted his phone to his ear to call for transportation. Jimin had no doubt he was stressing the importance of hurrying, bringing extra guards, and filling in their head of security on how precarious this situation would be for everyone.

"Shhh, sweetheart, we'll be gone in a few minutes and I'm going to hold you all night." She was still teary and clinging to him, and Jimin rubbed her back whispering softly against her ear. He could understand how her emotions might be very nearly ready to boil over.

If Joon was taking charge of the transportation issue, the remaining four members had become temporary security, buffeting Kook and looking impressively formidable. Jin's shoulders could have held off an actual army, Tae's icy expression could freeze the most curious onlooker, Hobi looked fully engaged in teacher mode, and Yoongi appeared to be ready to swing on anyone who attempted to breach their group.

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