Twenty Eight

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"Fine you win!" Instead of cries of pain Taemin's concession was laughter, his head twisted backward seeming to not bother him at all despite the almost unnatural angle.

If the prison guards on the other side of the door cared they didn't move to open the door or intercede on his behalf. One glanced through the window a benign look on his face before turning away again. Maybe being "blind" for Taemin's escapades was not always in his benefit. Kwangin released him but didn't return to his seat across the room just yet. Jimin was still silent, shock and hate making him not trust him voice yet.

"Sit down big boy I'll behave." Another high pitched laugh from Taemin that scorched through Jimin.

"Tell me about Kang Unhei." Jimin's throat felt raw, his stomach a knot of anger that made him want to throttle the cuffed man in front of him. The only thing that could possibly calm the storm was finally getting the information he'd put up with that disgusting narrative to hear.

"She's beautiful, tiny, obedient. A absolute joy to watch, you've never seen someone so submissive. I would say I trained her myself but that's not the truth." Jimin nodded to his security guard to retreat as Taemin started speaking.

"I would also say she was one of Irene's most triumphant achievements to date. There's nothing Unhei won't allow her master to do, and don't get me started on that twisted bastard. Makes me look like an angel." Taemin's lips curled at the last word, pleased at how it goaded Jimin, made him squeeze his eyes shut.

"Is Kang Unhei really Jjille?" Shaky words that came out of him on his exhale, he wouldn't let Taemin trigger him again.

"If you think I'm going to implicate myself in another crime you're stupid." Taemin retreated suddenly, close lipped for the first time when he'd been getting quite a bit of pleasure out of his sadistic renditions of his crimes moments earlier. Only the security guard's abrupt violence stanching the venom.

"If you weren't going to tell me that why tell me anything at all!" Jimin was on his feet control slipping away, he'd endured too much, for what?

"I'll tell you about her master, vaguely, but I think you can put it together in time. Then you can go for a visit and see for yourself. That's the best I can offer."

Taemin raised a brow, Jimin saw the stubbornness, he'd say not another word if Jimin pushed him. He'd take fists and spit blood and never reveal a thing. If anything the violence would likely be welcomed.

"Fine. You said won't allow, does that mean she's alive?" Jimin felt a modest flicker of hope warm his chest.

"She was as of two weeks ago. But I'm not confirming or denying her that identity matches who you want her to be."

"Her legal name, regardless of who she is, is not Kang Unhei?" Jimin was desperately trying to catalog everything Taemin said.

He was intelligent if he remembered every word he could decipher them at home. He just needed to ask the right questions now, because he couldn't stomach coming back if he had them later.

"Correct. She's been with him for years, I'd say they're bonded for life." Taemin's smile was disgusting, Jimin knew it implied that bond was likely one way.

"What is he like?" Focus Jimin, the more he learned about the dom the more likely he could identify him. He thought he was familiar with almost everyone in the South Korean BDSM scene at least to some extent unless they were underground.

"Handsome, our age, maybe closer to Seokjinnie but not older."

"Actor handsome? Idol handsome? Model?" Jimin fought to narrow down the list already compiling in his mind. There had to be some significance to Taemin referring to his looks, he wasn't going to waste his breath. Besides he loved a good puzzle to unravel.

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