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Jimin took a long slow breath before walking down the hall, it was six weeks into training Jjille and he was more conflicted than ever. Irene has been right, she was going to be the perfect sub, her disposition without resistance no matter what he requested.

That was a problem, it meant Irene could give her to someone incredibly harmful and Jjille would just accept it. She was beautiful, sweet, and easy to get along with, but was that enough for what he knew he needed to do?

Despite being named after a briar she wasn't a thorn at all, she had no bite, no claws. She'd never fight back against an unfair or cruel dominant. Was he capable of doing his role in training her and ignoring whatever was next for her?

"Good morning Sir."

Jjille was quietly kneeling at the end of her bed, relaxed and waiting patiently as always. She wore a thin black tank top and matching cotton shorts. She knew her body was expected to be accessible to him at all times with minimal effort if he wanted her naked. She had a very nice body in fact, and he admired it for a second before responding.

"Hello beautiful." Jimin smiled, he felt genuine affection for the petite girl, he'd not had to fake it like he'd thought. "Come here."

Jjille stood and hurried to him and he allowed her to hug him, his hands settling at her lower back. She nuzzled against his side, he was over seventeen cm taller, and her height did a lot to make him feel powerful and protective toward her.

"I missed you last night, Sir." Her words we slightly muffled against his shirt and he tried not to react, instead stroked a hand down her long blonde hair. He wondered how much time she spent keeping it bleached.

His only aggravation with her was how needy she could be, if he took a night off to be with Tae or do anything else she missed him. It crossed his mind this was a bad sign, her feelings were traversing the dynamic. Jimin hoped it was only she'd been lonely so long having attention and affection was becoming addictive to her. He knew that wasn't quite the whole truth.

"I missed you too pumpkin, don't pout." Jimin teased his fingers up her ribs, tickling lightly and she wiggled away.

He pulled her back, both of them laughing as they tumbled into her bed. Jimin caught himself before he landed on top of her, and she grinned up at him. He recognized the look and it roused the same feeling in him, but he wasn't going to give into it.

"Don't go, play with me Sir." Jjille's fingers hovered just over the bare skin of his back where his shirt had ridden upward. She wouldn't dare break the rules and touch him sexually without his permission.

"I can't this morning Jji, I have practice and then a full schedule." Jimin rolled to the bed and sighed, he knew she was going to accept the answer, but even he regretted saying no.

"Soon?" She pushed back a little, but so sweetly he couldn't even reprimand it. To speak to her harshly would have racked him with guilt.

"Tell me what you want me to do to your body." The words were low, and slid between them like fire.

Fuck. Jimin hadn't just said that out loud, his damned libido was going to get them both in trouble. He dragged the tip of one finger down her chest, tugging the material of her tank top low on her breast. He could feel the warmth in his belly stirring already.

Thankfully Jjille blushed so thoroughly he knew he was off the hook. She was way too timid to tell him anything so sexually blatant. Jimin released the material of her shirt and stood tugging her to her feet.

"Let's eat breakfast there's things we need to discuss before tomorrow night." She brightened at his words, she knew exactly to what he was referring.

In the kitchen she hurried around making coffee and gathering the food she'd already prepared before he'd arrived. He'd smelled the egg rice warming and the toast when he'd walked by the kitchen but knew she'd never eat without him.

Jimin's Pet • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now