Forty Eight

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Jimin followed two short steps behind Hobi as Leebin wove them through the surging crowd. This place was more club than private dungeon, it made him want to claw at his skin everything feeling a bit claustrophobic. It was obvious this group catered to the fringe of Seoul BDSM society and he wondered why Bang Chan would come here. Maybe that was a judgmental thought but he was going to ask him later. Maybe BTS had become too spoiled, too secluded in their ivory tower of privilege and money.

"Kim Kyungmi, Kim Daebyun, Choi Suya, Kang Hanchang, Lee Choya, Nam Kwan." Leebin motioned to a cluster of people talking in a corner, they seemed to be intensely discussing something of importance.

"Hang Isuel, Kim Joongsun, Bae Carter, Park Woosung, Han Gyumin, Jung Munso, Min Jiho, Baek Minjun, Yun Seomin." Jimin heard the third name and didn't react externally, Hobi was cool as ice as well. That group was surrounding a dom strapping a two crying girls into a spanking table and Jimin suppressed the urge to flinch.

Tears weren't necessarily a sign there was lack of consent or revoked consent, in fact he'd made many subs cry intentionally and they'd thanked him for it later. The sub was emotional but not outwardly displaying any signs that made him wary but somehow it still didn't create the right vibe. Jin had pointed out that he wasn't sadistic enough for this place, that could be true. He wondered if Hobi was having similar reactions, he couldn't tell because his hyung was rapt with attention to every word Leebin said. 

Apart from that he was internally screaming, taking in every feature of the guy Leebin had pointed to as Carter. He was tall, handsome, but in an unruly way, like if he smiled or scowled the attractiveness might disappear. Nothing about him screamed psycho or like he could be trouble, he was dressed in street clothes, just black jeans and a tee, no fancy labels or leather. He wasn't dressed for a scene and he didn't appear to have anyone with him. Leebin turned into another room and Jimin tried to not look backward at the man.

"How many people attend here regularly?" Hobi stroked his long thin fingers down Leebin's cheek, his thumb catching against the other man's bottom lip. Jimin thought he could see Leebin blush and simper, he knew Hobi had engaged him to stop them from continuing their tour through the rooms.

"There's ninety members signed to the dungeon, we allow one fifty per party, that includes DMs, hosts, and staff. We had to bounce two people for you because we're always at capacity." Leebin practically purred and Hobi smiled the very picture of exceptionally grateful.

"Is ninety members the max? Do you have anyone who gets invited to the parties regularly but isn't a member?" Hobi's other hand rested against the waistband and buckle of Leebin's pants, a leather belt holding them to his muscled waist. Leebin was shirtless and part of Hobi's palm pressed to the dungeon host's sizable abs.

"The max is one hundred but we cleared inactives from the roster recently." Leebin was staring at Hobi's hand and for a second Jimin was convinced he was going to slap it away. The whole mood shifted and he worried Hobi had pushed too far but he couldn't see his face so it was possible he was reading this wrong.

"Did all of the members come tonight?" Hobi didn't move his hand, but made his voice less interested, looked over his shoulder as if a scene going on in the corner was more interesting.

"Of course, this is the first party of the season, we just renovated the house." Leebin sounded disappointed, Hobi dropped his hand and was actively eyeing a very attractive man a few feet away.

"Who's that?" Hobi raised a brow his voice a inflection of curiosity, his eyes returning to Leebin who practically simmered with irritation at the lost interest aimed at him.

"Min Yongsun." The words were flat and Hobi smirked pinching Leebin's cheek. Jimin had to stifle a smile at how effortlessly Hobi toyed with Leebin's emotions.

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