Forty Three

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By the time he was halfway to Hobi's, Jimin was finally able to feel real joy about Y/N and Kook. Part of him felt guilty that he'd not felt the happiness sooner. The other part understood that the shock of seeing them mixed with the hurt of knowing they'd let everyone feel the pain of their loss justified his reaction.

He was thinking about that a lot, telling the guys, which he still intended to do, might have the same mixed responses. He also worried they might think he was losing his mind. First he'd tried to convince them Jji was alive, and now he was going to say Y/N and Kookie as well? Was it just too unbelievable? It wasn't like he could provide proof. Jimin wasn't even sure if everyone was going to be at Hobi's apartment, and he certainly didn't want to have this conversation multiple times.

PJ: Everyone needs to be there tonight, Sujin too

It was better if she was there, Jimin didn't know if she was more or less likely to believe him but she was usually the voice of reason. He laid his head back against the car seat, his chest aching with tension. As the miles between Y/N and he expanded his anxiety rose. Out of his sight anything could happen, he felt any moment could be the last and all he wanted to do was turn around and go back.

He tried to tell himself she was safe, especially with Kook there. Somehow the jealousy he'd felt back in her bedroom seeing them together and knowing they'd had sex was gone. Jimin felt like he usually did about sharing with the guys. He did wonder how deeply the maknae felt, he'd sensed more there than he'd noticed before. If that was the case Kook was going to be disappointed, Jimin suddenly knew she would always be his, felt it strongly.

Jimin shifted pulling the flash drives from his pocket. He thought about breaking them, tugging out the chip and snapping each one but didn't. Somehow they might be necessary evidence at some point. He flinched, evidence of his own treachery, as well as Irene's. Forced or not hadn't he done the acts? Been their tormentor? The urge to destroy the drives came back full force so he shoved them back into his pocket.

"We're about ten minutes away, there's fans in front of his building so we're going to take the back entrance." His security guard reported pulling Jimin from his thoughts, he nodded showing he'd heard. His phone pinged and he flipped it over reading the screen.

JH: We're all waiting on you, I thought you'd come right away

Jimin couldn't help but to smirk, he had in fact cum right away. Probably not his best performance but the familiarity of her body and the intensity with which he needed her had played a huge factor. She hadn't seemed disappointed so he guessed it didn't matter. Jimin felt redness coming into his cheeks, was he allowed to be joking like this?

The smirk turned into a smile, his heart beating faster. She was alive. Kook was alive. That mattered more than any anger he could have about their deception. It wasn't like either of them would have chosen to stay away. He was glad she hadn't let him storm out and forget how grateful he should feel to the universe right now.

He was still feeling on the verge of euphoric when he arrived to Hobi's apartment. Like Hobi had told him, he was the last to arrive, Jin meeting him at the door. The look on his hyung's face said he'd picked up on Jimin's change in mood immediately.

"Give me the flash drives, I'll lock them in Hobi's safe." Jin held his hand out as they walked toward the living room, five faces all staring at the two of them.

"Just sit down, it can wait." Jimin brushed his hand away and took the seat next to Sujin, hoping having her so close would give him the strength if they didn't believe what he was about to share.

"The party isn't for hours, I think we make protecting them a priority." Jin waited his hand extended again and Jimin sighed tugging them from his pocket. If this was the only way to get everyone's full attention, he'd just hand them over. But he didn't want to hear complaints later when they realize he waited several minutes to tell them the news about Kook and Y/N.

Jimin's Pet • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now