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Jimin thought this must be a memory. Sometimes they felt real, like he was in the moment right then, dragged into the details as if he was reliving it. Surely after the announcements of their bodies being discovered they couldn't be here, that didn't make sense.

There must have been a time the three of them were in this room together. He searched his memory, knocking on the doors, peering through the windows of his mind trying to piece it together. They were here, had spent time together in her childhood bedroom for some reason, even if it didn't make sense. Jimin finally gave up his eyes focused on their faces again, the deep pang in his chest radiating outward a physical pain.

"I left you waiting Angel? It was me?" Jimin stood, he found he could talk, move.

He wanted to touch them, but he didn't dare because this would be the cruelest trick his brain had ever played. To realize that even though he could pull the day back, this scene had already happened but with different results.

"Come here hyung." Kookie held his hand out and Jimin watched as she put hers on his forearm. He knew exactly how it would have felt if it had been against his own.

Jimin walked toward them, it was only half a dozen steps and when he had closed all the distance Kookie grabbed him into an embrace. Jimin flinched at the contact, not expecting the warm body contact. Her body closed behind him and he felt emotion bubbling up so rapidly he couldn't breathe.

"How?" A single word that ripped a world of emotion from his body, tears where there should have been none left. Hadn't he cried them all out by this point?

Jimin's head rested against Kookie's shoulder, his fingers clutching into the shirt he wore. Y/N pressed her body against his back, her arms circled his waist and laid against his chest. The feel of her body was familiar, it awoke desperation in him.

"It's such a long story." Kookie sighed and they stood there for longer than Jimin could count, long past his tears drying.

Jimin's heart was pounding, so many questions welling up inside, but also anger. They were alive and let him go through the agony of thinking they were dead. He'd gone to her funeral, and now what? They were laughing in his face?

"Let me go." Jimin pushed backward but quickly remembered she was there and froze. As upset as he felt there was no way he'd risk shoving her.

"We're going to tell you everything." Kookie held Jimin's face in his hands, could probably tell that he was ready to run away from this situation.

"Will it erase what you've done to everyone? Will it make everyone feel better?" Jimin's voice was too high pitched, and Kookie looked startled. Y/N pushed Kookie back and took his place, her hands stroking his cheek and his eyes fluttered closed.

Maybe this would be easier as a dream, but Jimin forced himself to look at her, eyes opening once more. She leaned forward and kissed him, a gentle brush of her lips against his and he whimpered not wanting to give in.

"Kiss me Jagiya, I've missed you for so long." She let her body fall forward in a way that Jimin had no choice but to steady her.

Jimin let himself forget every other emotion in that second and he kissed her. His Angel, his love. She tasted exactly the way he remember, her waist in his hands the precise size and feel that it had been that last time he remembered holding her. She was air and light and very real to him. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugged too hard, her mouth fierce.

When they finally parted both of them slightly breathless, her bottom lip wet where he'd sucked it between his teeth, he felt less anger. Jimin had no energy to hold that complicated emotion toward either of them anymore. She was the brightest energy he'd felt in so long he could have forgiven her anything.

Jimin's Pet • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now