Sixty Seven

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"Let's just say, dearest Eunwoo, was my you, before there was you." Irene smirked like that was something entirely too amusing. She was quiet letting that truth sink into Jimin, and it was a disgusting river of darkness.

"The circumstances of how she became mine are remarkably different than either yourself or Taemin. She was the friend of a friend, and I was entirely too enamored with that woman."

Something crossed Irene's features that made Jimin want to look away, more than anything he thought maybe he was done with digging into Irene. He didn't want to know about her obsession, the closest to love Irene was probably capable he now realized, with Eunwoo. He'd once been so sure she was in love with him, punishing him for not loving her back anymore, but it hadn't been that at all. She was punishing him for daring to want control of his life.

"You said I was your first pet." Jimin scrambled for something to say, then grimaced inwardly when he realized what he said sounded like he was upset he hadn't been.

"Well in a way you were, because Eunwoo was disobedient, and impossible to keep in check. Just when I thought I could tame her, she'd do something that tested all my boundaries. Her vanity forced her pick and choose what she was willing to accept from our dynamic." Irene scowled, like she was remembering the unpleasant moments.

Jimin could imagine that Eunwoo was uncooperative, that her submission was highly contingent upon her current mood. That she was inconstant in her desires and more of a wildcard than a partner. Why did it bring some pleasure to think of Irene pulling out her hair trying to wrangle someone as icy as Eunwoo? The messed up thing was that every submissive, and dominant for that matter had the right to pick and choose what they wanted from a dynamic, that was literally the nature of consent. It didn't surprise him at all that the term was lost on Irene.

"When did the dynamic end?" Jimin drove the conversation forward, he found this interaction was tedious, Irene had wanted it to be provocative and shocking, he was just tired.

"When she stole Mitch from me. That boy was going to be everything that you and Taemin were not. But even then, she came back to me all the time, her leash might have been long, but it was still attached." Irene smirked, but Jimin felt as though he'd just tasted something bitter.

"Han Mitch is not a sub." Or was he? He'd been quite obsessed with Jin, and more than a little open to direction from his hyung.

"He was, but his psychotic cousin Carter convinced him they could build a empire of gorgeous compliant women to serve their every need. Eunwoo was their bait submissive. She was lovely and could pretend to be perfectly behaved, at parties everyone flocked to see her with them. Other subs wanted what she had, especially the young inexperienced ones, and for a while they collected naive girls, trained them, and sold them to very wealthy men with insatiable appetites." Irene's smirk stretched into something resembling admiration that made Jimin's stomach tilt.

"They were doing what you hoped to do with Jji?" His voice came out shaky, the thought of even one person being given away against their will was atrocious, but to learn that Eunwoo, Han, and Carter had trafficked women at a grander scale made him want to leave, run to Detective Chang, and fix this somehow. His body was a tensed coil, his palm already starting to sweat, his only consolation this interaction being watched by everyone back in the warden's office.

"They inspired Jji, she was going to be my test, had she worked, you and Taemin would have trained so many girls for me. Taemin knowing everything, you however, would have been kept mostly in the dark due to your bleeding heart complex. Isn't that delicious? A long line of Jimin's pets sent off into the world to serve the very rich and famous? Them being trained by the two of you would be a selling point, don't you think? And people like you are exactly who would buy these girls, isn't that ironic?" Irene was laughing softly at him, he knew his face was a mask of horror to think he could have been one after another turning girls into sexual slaves for the elite of Korea and beyond.

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