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"Let's talk about the woman you found, tell us how you happened to discover her?" Detective Kwan broke Jimin out of his thoughts about Jjille, he raised a brow wondering why they hadn't used her name.

"When we arrived we heard thumping noises, and after a little looking around we realized they were coming from the couch. Couches don't usually make noise on their own." This was his story line, said with disdain, he knew everyone else would say remember something slightly different, making finding her a confusing point in the investigation.

"And the disarray in the apartment? Did you cause that mess during the hunt for the noise?" Kwan once again made no comment whatsoever about Jimin's answer to the original inquiry.

"How is that relevant? My client isn't responsible for the state people keep their homes in." His lawyer erupted before Jimin could deny making the mess.

"I guess I'll ask it differently, what were you looking for when the apartment became trashed and you discovered Eunwoossi?" Kwan didn't betray his annoyance, his rebound of the set back was flawless. Jimin was instantly irritated at her name and the way the detective said it so blandly. Speaking about her should instantly make the person feel disgust in his opinion.

"When we arrived the apartment was already trashed, so when we heard thumping it was alarming." Jimin smiled, the very portrait of patient even though a moment ago he'd been sarcastic.

"So you believed there had been some sort of event or altercation prior to your arrival?" Officer Lee spoke up, it was obvious he was skeptical.

"I don't think we even got so far as thinking like that, when we discovered the box in the couch we kind of had different priorities after that." Jimin answered easily, as if none of this matter very much to him.

"Quite a bit of time elapsed between the apartment manager letting you into the apartment and your emergency call, what were the six of you doing during that time?" Kwan took over again, his own tone showing no bias like Officer Lee's had when he'd spoken.

"At first we were all just sitting in the living room, waiting for the two of them to wake up. We wanted to discuss what happened at Hobi's party, we were angry that things had played out the way that they did. That's when we heard the thumping, found the box in the couch and then it took us a while to open the box. We looked for a key, but there weren't any keys, that could have contributed to some of the mess, but it was already disorganized when we got there. I think Tae made a joke about it, I don't really think the joke was funny, I can't remember anyone laughing." Jimin knew he was rambling, it was strategic, say too many words, make everyone confused.

"What did Eunwoo say to you when you took her from the box?" Kwan looked like he wanted to roll his eyes but didn't.

"Jin took her out of the box, not me. She was mummified, so she didn't say anything at first, when we got the hood off she started screaming, she didn't say anything but cry until you arrived." That was true, Eunwoo had screamed for about three or four minutes, then dissolved into tears.

"Mummified?" Detective Kwan was looking at his notebook, clearly Hobi or Jin had said the same thing.

"Yes, it's a type of play in the BDSM community." Jimin knew his lawyer was seconds away from kicking his ankle again.

"So consensual play that you interrupted?" Kwan almost smiled, as if he'd laid a trap and Jimin had tumbled into it perfectly.

"Well after our evening with Carter and Mitch we had very little reason to believe that either of them understood the definition of consent. Couple that with the thumping and her screaming and crying we decided it was not a positive interaction for her." Jimin narrowed his eyes, he knew Kwan had to investigate, but did he know he was defending monsters?

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