Twenty Six

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Joon banged on the door of Sujin's office the wood trembling beneath the force. Hobi winced at the sound stepping backward and glanced toward the desk. The receptionist seemed to be in shock for a second before she picked up her phone and dialed, most likely Sujin. Joon rolled his eyes, she'd have heard him at the door why did she need to call into the room?

"She's with a patient Namjoonssi!" She begged raising her voice then whispered something into the phone but he was undeterred pounding against it again as if she'd not even spoken.

"Let's sit down and wait for her Joon, you should calm down before we both end up on Dispatch with Jiminie." Hobi gently grabbed Joon's arm but was met with resistance when he tugged away with more force than necessary.

"The two of you caused this! You said I was wrong but look what's happening? How is what you did better?" Joon turned on Hobi who straightened his shoulders and prepared for another round, they'd had the same conversation at least twice in the car on the way over.

When Joon had woken this morning their group chat, without Jimin, had two news articles linked in it from Jin. The first headline was sensational 'Jimin shoves Armys' and the article wasn't much better. It painted the interaction, which Joon guessed had been the four women invading Jimin's personal space as him lashing out at the defenseless girls without provocation. He couldn't bring himself to read the comments.

The second headline was equally damning 'Jimin Sympathizes with Attempted Murderer' and detailed his visit to Irene's prison, implying that Jimin may have actually allowed her and Taemin to use his vehicle to harm Y/N. Joon felt like everything was spilling out of control, this tightly lidded bowl was tipping over, leaking and about to pour everything out.

What came next shot him into anger, Hobi admitted that he and Sujin had told Jimin about Y/N, and that was all it took to convince him that it was their fault. Jimin had been hanging on, maybe by threads, but he'd at least been keeping things low key. Now he was all over Seoul causing outrage, and the managers said he'd headed four hours away to see Taemin.

"Joon, let's go upstairs." Sujin opened the door, slipping out of the small space she'd opened and glared at him. The two of them followed her through a doorway up a short flight of stairs until they found themselves in a file room.

"How dare the two of you tell him and go against me! Now he's completely out of control, getting dragged through the press, visiting fucking Irene and Taemin! How could you just make that decision on your own?" He wanted to roar with rage but held back, he'd never yelled at Sujin before, he knew if he did it might be the last tie between them severed. If that happened he wasn't sure what would be left of him.

"We told him because he's out of control. He'd already gone to see Irene once, she tried to convince him that Jjille is alive. He went to Yoongi who clearly can't handle this, then Hobi, he was losing his mind Joon. You're right that it's our fault, if we'd let him come around to the truth from the beginning he would trust us enough now to believe what we tell him. As it stands he doesn't want to speak to any of us, he's decided the two of them are more trustworthy. How fucked up is that?" Sujin backed him up until his body pressed against a filing cabinet.

"Tae and Hobi fucked up, they didn't stick with the plan, they allowed Jimin to get confused." Joon felt himself running out of steam, he wanted to just sit down, to stop talking to stop caring. Let it all burn to hell, what did it even matter?

"We all fucked up, we chose wrong, I can admit that, why can't you?" Sujin cupped his cheeks, her eyes full of more compassion that he could bare.

"I failed Kook, I thought I was doing better for Jimin." Joon felt tears on his cheeks, but he'd become so numb to crying he didn't bother brushing them away. Hobi hugged him from behind, Sujin kissed his wet cheek.

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