Twenty Seven

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TW: SA, abuse, violence

Jimin shook his head slowly at first then more adamantly as he rose to his feet. There was zero chance in hell any of the guys could ever betray him like that. He wasn't going to entertain that bullshit for a single minute.

They might have kept Y/N from him, but in their own way it was to protect him. They'd never do anything to cause him harm on purpose. He couldn't imagine them betraying him even to save themselves. The thought that they'd team up with Irene when they were already skeptical of her was preposterous.

His security guard moved closer seeing Jimin's agitation but he waved him away. He just needed to be on his feet a minute and ground himself. He walked toward the window ignoring Taemin for a moment and glanced at the expanse of parking lot the view revealed. He breathed slowly knowing he'd get to leave, touch that ground, feel that warmth of the sun on his skin soon. The asshole behind him chained to the table wouldn't ever be so lucky again. It allowed him to momentarily relax, he turned back to the metal table.

"You're lying, so blatantly it's not even in the farthest realm of possibility." Jimin rolled his eyes and watched Taemin deciding if he'd try to be more convincing or if he'd give up. He could see the moment he chose his next words, Jimin really did know his former best friend so well.

"Alright it was me, you're not a stupid as she thinks." Taemin sighed dramatically like Jimin had stolen all the fun from the whole world and slumped slightly in his plastic chair.

"You either want to tell me about Unhei or you don't. If you don't I'll leave." Jimin was tired of everything, and incredibly disappointed in himself. How could he have thought coming here would be a good idea?

He matched Taemin's disposition slumping into his own chair again, at least they weren't slightly tilted like at Irene's prison. Jimin felt a bit of vindication, he was free in the world while his biggest tormentors were not. The thought was tempered when he remembered the cost.

"I'll tell you about Kang Unhei if you let me tell you the story without interrupting." He leaned forward and Jimin recognized Taemin was getting his second wind. "Two stories actually, the first will be a little test to see if you can follow directions."

Taemin shifted in his chair crossing one impossibly long leg over the other. Jimin realized he was already doing the same, oh how their bodies had mirrored each other so well. Even now.

"If you speak before I give you permission games over little pig. I'd ask you to submit but maybe that's pushing you too far in front of your big bad over there." Taemin was already dripping with delight, Jimin could feel the dread dropping centimeter after centimeter into his stomach.

"Fine." He didn't want this, but if there was any chance Unhei was Jjille and she was alive she was in danger.

"Once upon a time in a magical land far far away," Taemin grinned then paused dramatically, "actually it was very very close. This very room."

Jimin felt chilled, an icy stroke up his back that left him slightly nauseous. He had no clue why he was already jittery but something told him to call it all off, to just walk away. His security guard met his eyes and shook his head minutely. Jimin looked away, Jjille deserved him to be stronger now than he was back then.

"There was this lovely girl, woman? Lovely woman, wait, I should give you some back story." Taemin laughed and cleared his throat. "You might know know this about me Jiminah but I'm very popular with the ladies." Taemin's perfectly straight teeth bit his bottom lip as he waggled his eyebrows.

"Even in prison I had a rolling rotation of the hottest cunts in Korea." Jimin tried not to blanch at Taemin's purposefully inflammatory words.

"Don't ask the logistics, just suffice yourself to know that being here was not a barrier to getting laid. Not even a barrier to the wild kinks you know we both share." Taemin leaned forward and even though he couldn't reach the table he motioned toward the scratch Jimin had traced earlier.

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