Twenty Three

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Jimin watched Hobi's face change incrementally to shock then the emotion washed away completely. With fingers that were slightly too firm against Jimin's arm Hobi pulled him into the living room and pressed him onto the couch.

"Don't say that to me Jiminie. I know you're upset, but it's not fair. I know your memory is all over the place right now but saying something about her like that sounds crazy." Hobi frowned, his tone was very adamant but not sharp.

"No I'm not being crazy, Ire-,"

"You better start at the beginning, don't leave anything out." Hobi sighed deeply, Jimin could tell he didn't believe him but at least he was more interested in the details and not dismissive like Yoongi.

Slowly but with purpose Jimin recalled everything Irene had said, going over the interaction and repeating her exact words as many times as he could recall them. Hobi didn't interrupt and when Jimin stumbled through a recollection he waited patiently for him to clarify.

Finally Jimin was quiet, watching Hobi's taking it all in. Jimin could tell Hobi didn't believe Jjille was alive, his eyes were infinitely sad. Hobi sighed and picked up his phone from the coffee table, holding it away from his body as if he'd not decided if he was going to use it or not. He hoped he wasn't calling the managers.

"Jjille isn't alive, but you're not wrong about Irene skating beside the truth. We need to go see Sujin, I think it's time that we filled in the gaps of your memory." Somehow Jimin didn't feel relief, he felt dread dropping into his stomach.

"Why Sujin?" Jimin flinched realizing his instinct about his closest friends keeping things from him was true. Did he even trust Hobi right now if that was the case?

"You're going to need her to sort through your feelings about everything. I'm not sure it's safe to just throw everything at you and hope for the best." Hobi was looking down at his phone, then seemed to make up his mind and dialed.

"Hey." Hobi sounded tentative but he met Jimin's eyes and smiled sadly with a nod.

"Jimin and I need to see you right away. Are you at the office?" Hobi reached out squeezing Jimin's wrist, for some reason he wanted to pull it away.

"Alright, we're headed there now." Hobi hung up and stood. "Will you come with me?"

"Do I have a choice?" Jimin's throat felt dry, he swallowed hard but it didn't seem to help. "The things in your guest room didn't belong to your sub did they?" He stood on wobbly legs and followed Hobi toward his front door.

"No Jiminie."


Jimin sat in the waiting room of Sujin's private therapy office, her receptionist keeping an eye on him. He wondered if it was at Hobi or Sujin's request or if she was just starstruck at seeing him in person. He met her eye and she looked away with a slight blush and he instantly knew it was the latter.

When they arrived Sujin had greeted them but then with a glare toward Hobi disappeared behind the closed door of her office. It had been almost fifteen minutes and Jimin finally sat down into one of the chairs. It was only afternoon but it felt like it had been more than a whole day since he woke this morning.

Were they getting their story straight behind the door, deciding what parts of his life he deserved to know? Jimin felt a little ashamed of himself, had he been so afraid of the truth that he'd not even tried to find it? He hadn't demanded his parents, his friends, or even his managers talk him through the last few years. Had he known all along things weren't adding up?

"Come in Jiminah." Sujin opened the door, she looked beautiful and elegant in her cropped black pants and light colored blouse. Utterly professional. Is that what he needed? A professional?

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