Forty Nine

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Jimin held his breath when he felt Hobi's long thin fingers wrap around his neck from behind, they were warm and dry, but threatening. Something in his stomach flipped, fear mixed with uncertainty and he wanted to stand up and leave. Before he could bolt Hobi appeared in front of him, crouched down at his level and raised a brow, externally to people watching it was a challenge but Jimin knew Hobi completely and he could see his hyung checking his mood.

"Are you not capable of respecting Bang Channie?"

"Yes Sir."

"Yes you can respect him or yes you are not capable of respecting him?" Hobi gripped his face tugging him forward, it was painful, the motion not faked.

"I can respect him, Sir." Jimin said it with the slightest hint of distaste, as if listening to Bang Chan was not something he'd consider at all.

"Pretty sure you're lying, pet." Hobi yanked him to his feet and Jimin bristled, he'd known the moment he'd given attitude Hobi would react but now he regretted playing this game.

Hobi nodded to Chan who stood handed Hobi a long thin paddle made of leather. Jimin shivered imagining Hobi striking him, the thought turned his stomach but not in a good way. People were definitely watching, Carter one of them, a tall thin man whispering in his ear. Jimin recognized him from a tv commercial, hadn't someone he spoken to said he'd been in one? Why couldn't Jimin remember if it had been Taemin for Maebyul. If that was Mitch then all of this discomfort was worth it.

"Don't stare, that's him." Hobi was in front of him pressed along his body, his hands grappling with the button of Jimin's black leather pants. "Say sorry for yes, say fuck Chan for no."

Hobi's words were so quiet he could barely hear, but after ten years on the incredibly loud stage with him he could make them out almost perfectly. He knew the cadence of his soft tones, the clipped way he cut off words to speak more quickly. Jimin also understood the strategy, him submitting and asking for forgiveness was giving consent for a public punishment, a mild rebuke that would draw every nearby eye to him. Escalating to cursing at his dom would be met with anger and result in him being dragged out of the club for what everyone would assume was severe consequences back at home. The beauty was regardless of his response Hobi had perfectly given him two options that no one would question in the slightest.

"I'm sorry Sir, please forgive me." Jimin dropped his head, there was no way in hell with Carter and Mitch staring he was going to allow Hobi to let them leave.

Hobi made quick work of dropping his leather pants to the floor, his wide thighs uncovered, the only place left on his body that didn't look gaunt from his weight loss. Hobi rubbed a hand down the expanse of the left one and grinned.

"I'll forgive you when you're properly sorry." The back of Hobi's fingers brushed the leather pouch of his underwear. At least no one would be getting a glimpse of his dick tonight. Even when he got turned on the thick cloth would contain him without allowing him to slip out like traditional underwear.

Chan moved from his seat and placed the simple chair behind Jimin who flopped into it as Hobi shoved him backward his pants tangled around his ankles. The move jarred him, made him bite the edge of his tongue and he tasted blood. He glared up at Hobi, at the last second unable to contain his annoyance, no longer used to being submissive.

"Something to say pet?" Hobi patted his hand against Jimin's cheek, softly at first and then more firmly until he stopped and yanked his head upright.

"No Sir." Jimin tried to sound contrite but the crowd was increasing, at least fifteen people now and somehow it encouraged him to keep rebelling. Maybe it was that as a sub he'd never had the ability to not obey, he'd never have dreamed of misbehaving. Not that model behavior had been rewarded, he'd still spent most of his time being punished.

Jimin's Pet • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now