Fifty Seven

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"Look, you can either let us in, or I'm calling the police to file charges, these guys tried to break into Jung Hoseok's house!" Kwangin, one of their security guards leaned across the concierge desk speaking to the tall man working that night.

"I'm sorry, when they sober up, I'm sure they will explain everything and apologize." The clerk had no intentions of giving in to the bullying from Kwangin.

"Fine! How about we just dump them here?" The security guard rolled his eyes and flopped the limp body of Mitch across the expanse of worn tile.

Jimin grit his teeth, back at Hobi's he'd thought their genius plan felt half baked at best. Carrying two completely passed out guys to their apartment where they couldn't open the door themselves was a problem. Having their address wasn't a key in the lock, or a correctly typed passcode, it wasn't entrance to their goal. They'd disagreed on the plan for thirty minutes while security arrived and now Jimin felt vindicated for having reservations about the plan. A very small crowd was forming in the ancient lobby of the apartment building, people gawking and any minute paparazzi was going to storm them.

"Look, help us out here, we're only trying to give these two guys a second chance. Our security here would be more than happy to have them thrown in jail, but the four of us would rather help them get home safely." Jin pushed Kwangin back and looked at the man sweetly.


"How about you just take me and my security? Tae, Jimin and Hobi can hang out down here with the crowds about to flood your building." He laughed softly and Jimin could see the concierge changing his mind.

"You'll go out the back when you're done?" He leaned across the counter and whispered the words only loud enough for them to hear before glancing over his shoulder at the crowd that had doubled in just those few moments they'd spent arguing.

"Cross my heart!" Jin hit him with a smile and wink that would have knocked out a whole stadium and the man grabbed a set of keys and hurried from behind the desk.

Kwangin lifted Mitch again, shifting him in his arms and Jimin bent down to grab his legs. Kyujin and Hobi mirrored their actions with Carter and their cozy group boarded the slightly too small elevator leaving behind the growing crowd. Jimin was a little surprised Jin's plan had worked but he was also fairly sure their pictures were going to be on the internet tomorrow. He'd seen more than one phone pointed in their direction.

"Get them settled and go, I'm not sure how long I can prevent people from getting up here." The desk concierge twisted his master key in the lock next to the keypad.

Tae swung the door open as soon as the lock clicked, no one taking the chance that the man would have second thoughts. He looked like he might but instead of waiting to see what would happen he bolted toward the stairs to likely fend off questions in the lobby. Jimin guessed he must get steeply discounted rent for working the night desk and the last thing he wanted was to risk his meal ticket over the broken BTS. Like a poorly constructed assembling line the eight of them shuffled into the dark hallway.

The apartment wasn't huge, but it had the remnants of what Jimin would call old money. At some point this had been a desirable building before newer more ostentatious skyscrapers had popped up around Seoul. It was obvious Mitch and Carter's grandparents had invested in the real estate hoping it's value would increase over time. Unfortunately like a lot of gambles it hadn't paid off and the neighborhood had gone to slight obscurity over time. They'd probably handed it down to their grandsons still believing it had value far past it's actual price tag.

"Let's put them on the couch, then the two of you can keep an eye on them while we look around." Hobi was waving his arms toward a sitting room off the foyer, directing traffic as Tae took his spot on Carter's legs.

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