Fifty One ♡

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Jimin went into the warm shower first, steam building in the small space. It felt comforting, but Yoongi sliding in behind him was what made the most difference. Carefully he stepped forward, the first drops of water hitting his thighs and he squeezed his eyes shut at the pain.

"Relax sweet baby, you're alright." Yoongi kissed the back of his neck, his hands snaking around his chest and holding him still.

"I keep asking myself what if all this is for nothing? What if you were right and Irene's just a liar and I'm a fool?" Jimin let his head rest against Yoongi's shoulder.

They were both quiet for a minute, Yoongi smoothing slick creamy soap that smelled like mint and honey along his chest and torso. He glanced down watching his hyung's long fingers drag the soap in small circles on his chest. Something felt full inside him, an ache that he'd had so long ago blossoming all over again.

"We can't always ask ourselves if the end justifies the means, sometimes we have to go with our gut and see things through." Yoongi's voice was deep and stirred through the space, the water and faucet sounds a humming background noise.

"I'm a disaster to everything I touch, I ruin everything and everyone." Yoongi's hands turned Jimin at those words and he was frowning deeply, the disagreement to those words evident all over his face.

"That demon is getting in your head. No one else thinks that, everyone else loves you." He cupped Jimin's cheeks and pulled him into a soft kiss.

It wasn't enough for Jimin, he pressed Yoongi against the wall of the shower, his tongue parting his lips and licking into his mouth. He felt hollow inside except when it came to his members and his Angel and he needed to hold onto that. What could have continued to be the worst days of his life had turned around today knowing she and Kookie were alright and he should feel full of life. He was letting himself get into his head and tear down everything beautiful that had happened in the last twenty four hours.

Yoongi responded by dragging his fingers through Jimin's hair until he could tilt his head to the side. He deepened the kiss their tongues tasting each other. Sparks were lighting inside him, need for connection, but not just with anyone, with Yoongi. Jimin pushed against him harder, a soft laugh leaving Yoongi as he was crushed against the wet tile.

"Easy pup, there's no rush, let's get you clean." Yoongi turned him back into the water and continued washing him.

Part of Jimin wanted to force the issue, make Yoongi give him the attention he craved but he knew if he were patient he'd get it anyway. He tried to focus on the gentle feel of the soap as Yoongi rubbed it across his skin. Somehow he knew the perfect way to give and take away pressure exactly how each part of his body needed. He was exquisitely delicate when he reached his thighs, mostly allowing just the suds from his torso to pour downward. Jimin had grown hard but Yoongi ignored his throbbing cock until the very end.

Finally when the rest of him had been cleaned and rinsed Yoongi's long fingers wrapped around his length. Jimin groaned leaning back into his body, but all too quickly and efficiently Yoongi finished the task of cleaning him and released him turning off the water. The look on Jimin's face was one of dismay but Yoongi grinned and opened the door, steam rushing out as he grabbed a towel wrapping himself. A second towel was wrapped around Jimin, Yoongi drawing him out of the shower.

"No pouting, I'm too old to be slipping on my ass trying to mess around in a shower." Yoongi teased him rubbing all the droplets of water from Jimin's skin.

When they were both dry he led Jimin back to his bedroom and gently urged him to sit on the bed. Jimin took in Yoongi's naked body, shoulders that led to the gentle swell of his chest, his narrow waist, the soft line of his tummy. For a second Jimin felt guilty noticing that, hadn't he been obsessed with that same aspect of Tae's?

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