Sixty Six

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Jimin watched her sleeping, somehow his lips found the soft line of her neck even in the dark. He pressed a kiss there, inhaling her sweet scent before nuzzling his nose against her softness, a few strands of her hair tickling his cheek.

They'd made love multiple times, but it wasn't enough, his brain still screamed that it was entirely possible she could disappear again, in fact would disappear if he looked away long enough. He felt as if his hold on her was impossibly temporal, anything could tip the balance from his favor.

In her sleep she rolled over, curling into his chest, her cheek pressing against his bare skin. Her breath was warm against his collarbone, one of her hands grasping his side, the pressure of her fingers as if she thought he too might slip away.

"I'm here Angel." Jimin kissed the side of her head and brushed his fingertips against her hair. To him there was no one more beautiful in the whole world, and seeing her asleep in his bed made his heart feel full.

The morning would come and another frenzy would ensue, but for now this night was encapsulating them from the harsh reality. As much as he dreaded it, tomorrow there was something he had to do. Something more important than press conferences or public statements the media and Army were craving. Jimin worried no one but Y/N would support him, but he was going anyway.

"Jagiya?" Jimin winced as her fingers dug almost painfully into the skin near his ribs as she breathed the word, he could tell she was still sleeping, maybe even dreaming.

"Shhh, sweetheart." He hummed a little bit of a song that popped into his head, he couldn't even think of its title. She relaxed incrementally, a single finger at a time, a cat retracting their claws.

Jimin resolved that they would move, he would sell both apartments, build something in the new area of Seocho-gu, make it theirs together. Something gated, with mobile security, prices so high no one could move in without impeccable references. Namjoon had already talked about doing the same, he and Sujin wanted kids eventually. Jin had already bought a site of his own six months before in the neighborhood, and it was clear Tae would follow him anywhere. This whole experience made them all want a quieter, more private life.

He guessed eventually Hobi and Yoongi would follow them to the new location. It had been something all seven of them talked about a long time ago, the desire to be neighbors again someday. When they'd started buying their own apartments it had been a burst of freedom. Their first chance to leave the dorms and most of them had run as far from the others as possible, an unspoken breaking apart. Their identities were so woven into the others that the only solution was exploding across the map of Seoul. He and Namjoon had stayed close accidentally when their realtors showed them the twin apartments on two separate occasions. Then Tae joined them only after he'd stopped renting in Gangnam and moved in with Jimin.

Jimin didn't want BTS to go away when he implied they wanted a quiet life, but he meant they needed a new kind of peace they'd not found yet. He smiled softly, at least BTS would still exist, Kook was okay, there was a future when they were ready to face it again.

When Y/N moved again in her sleep he captured her in his arms and held her close until he felt sleepy again. Jimin pressed his hands against her bare back as sleep took him under once more.


"You absolutely are not going in alone!" Hobi's long thin fingers had wrapped around Jimin's bicep, grievously pinning him in place, unless he wanted to leave his arm behind.

"She won't see me if I'm not." Jimin sighed looking at the wall of people surrounding him in the warden's office. Hobi, Yoongi and his Angel wore faces too serious to ignore.

Jimin's Pet • PJMWhere stories live. Discover now