Sixty One

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The room was remarkably quiet for the amount of people who were stuffed into it's concrete gray walls. Aside from just the majority of BTS, Y/N, and her uncle, several officers and people Jimin guessed were from NIS also dotted the room. Right before another detective entered the room holding a folder to start interrogating Eunwoo, the door behind them opened and Yoongi slipped in apologetically.

Something clenched deeply inside Jimin's chest near his heart, because at that moment the seven of them were together again for the first time in months. Yoongi ignored everyone but Kookie and shoved past them until he could tug the maknae into a noisy hug. Seeing that sort of emotion from Yoongi was rare, and Jimin thought he felt himself tearing up.

The detective was quietly watching things unfold and stood with his hand on the door knob not moving into the interrogation room. Yoongi was oblivious slapping Kook's back and swiping his tears away with the back of his hand. A second later he yanked Y/N from Jimin's grasp and hugged her too, smoothing his long fingers down the back of her hair. With both of them clasped against his chest he looked soft in a way that made Jimin smile.

Jimin guessed he must have missed the other three reuniting with them because they'd seemed calm already when he'd arrived. Their emotional greetings, which he felt to his core had happened, must have occurred while he was still being interrogated himself. Hobi, Jin, and Tae weren't quick to tears but they all loved Kookie with a fierceness that had no doubt wrenched up emotion like it had for the rest of them. They all cared a lot for Y/N as well, even if seeing Kookie brought the biggest sense of relief.

"Sorry." Yoongi mumbled wiping away the remaining evidence of his outburst and nodding at the waiting detective.

"No problem." The man seemed to understand this drama was at least in part to his own actions with the case and granted some leniency because of it.

With everyone settled, Yoongi still wrapped around Y/N and Kookie, the final NIS detective entered the room and took the final chair across from Eunwoo and her lawyer. The other two men who had been in the room with Detective Chang stood at the back wall silently. It was a very impressive group, making the whole moment feel significant. An officer, his badge reading Seoul Police Department, clicked a switch on the wall and the sound of voices drifted through the room.

"You've been read your rights Eunwoossi, you can say as little or as much as you like. I see you've already secured a lawyer. I've already introduced myself but this is the Deputy Director of the National Intelligence Service, Kim Namwoo. He'll be overseeing the conversation." Detective Chang was explaining calmly despite Eunwoo's enormously obnoxious tears that continued relentlessly.

"I hardly think you can call the way you're treating this a conversation! You're behaving like I'm guilty of something and I'm just a victim of those assholes breaking into Mitch's apartment." Eunwoo's first words were acidic and tripping over each other with her tears. It was obvious she was going to rely on Y/N and Kookie being dead and unable to dispute her story if she was still pretending the only thing that led her to the police station was her discovery in the coffin.

Eunwoo's lawyer could sense the importance of Director Kim's presence and had already leaned over and whispered something in her ear. He guessed it was to keep her mouth closed if he told her to shut up. Jimin himself had mistaken the director as a mere detective when his pay grade was mountains above that.

"What is your relation to Bae Carter and Han Mitch?" Chang ignored Eunwoo's pity party and began.

"They are my sexual partners." Eunwoo answered with clipped words, clearly this was a humiliating confession for her, but she must have realized it was less risky than admitting she was a murderer.

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