Fifty Eight

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"What they stole from us is a person, I know that sounds fucked up but I can't tell you more than that!" Hobi's composure was fading, Jimin knew it was because he believed Jjille was trapped in that cabinet.

He wanted to rip the cabinet open himself, probably would have torn half the apartment down if it had been Y/N inside. Jimin put a hand on Hobi's shoulder and squeezed, he knew it wouldn't help but it was all the composure he had to offer.

"We're calling the police, this is serious Hoseok." Kwangin stood, it was apparent he didn't think this was a cute little search and seizure of some embarrassing information anymore.

"Not until we know if she's in there! If she's not we'll be arrested for breaking and entering, how will it look if we're wrong?" Jin stepped in front of the security guard blocking him in the bathroom.

"Damnit, the four of you are going to get us all arrested!" Kwangin wrenched the screw driver and hammer from Hobi's hand and turned back to the cabinet.

He knelt in front of it and jammed the tip of the screwdriver into the lock and smacked it with the hammer. The first blow appeared to jar him more than the lock but the next three were more pointed and Jimin could see it was breaking. By the sixth blow the lock collapsed into the cabinet with a metallic thunk and he tugged the door open.

Something was definitely inside and he moved as Hobi scrambled forward. It was hard to see, only one of the doors open limited the ability to widely access the dark space. Hobi started tugging things out, women's clothing, rolls of duct tape, plastic sheeting, leather hoods, rope, vinyl wrap, and more normal things like shampoo and body wash meant for a woman.

"This looks like something someone would use to wrap up a dead body." Kwangin poked the plastic with the toe of his boot.

"That's it, that's all that's in here!" Hobi stood anger and frustration pouring off him in waves. Jin grabbed him and tugged his back toward his chest firmly.

"It's not for a dead body, it's for a live one." Tae sighed, but it held the sound of what everyone was feeling, defeat.

They'd literally found the evidence of a woman, of Mitch and Carter's particular favorite brand of mummification play, but no Jjille. Jimin knelt and grabbed a bottle of the expensive shampoo, it struck him as odd that the cousins who had laughed at the idea of being emotionally indebted to a sub would spend money on luxury products for one. He shifted through the mess, the clothes were generic lingerie, silky pajamas, nothing someone would wear out of this apartment, but also not just items a sub would wear in the dungeon. The sizes meant nothing to Jimin, he didn't know or couldn't recall Jjille's clothing sizes.

"Look, the person you thought was here isn't. We need to get out of here, I'm going to have to call more security to manage that crowd." Kwangin was urging them from the bathroom and one by one they dejectedly merged into the hallway.

They'd arrived back in the living room, Carter and Mitch still asleep on the green couch. Hobi kicked Mitch in the thigh, his anger boiling over, he did it again before Jimin could pull him away.

"These motherfuckers. Where is she?" Jimin held tight as Hobi lunged forward again, intent on using violence to get his answers.

"We didn't search this room." Tae said it slowly turning to look around the wide space.

"You're right we literally dumped their bodies here and moved straight on." Jin was nodding, they'd used this space as their ground zero but given it no consideration like they had the other rooms.

Kwangin looked pained as they spread out taking up their roles like before. Hobi was less careful now, with the busted lock on the bathroom cabinet it was going to be obvious they'd been here anyway. Books and items tumbled from shelves, pictures turned askew on the walls, two closets were opened and jumbled.

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